_VBIERANS" HOSPITAL 487, _ XEAKAMEKE NAAN AXA AKA AAA 7 Waukesha, Wisconsin, KAR 7 ; March 17, 1922. The Surgeon General, Us Se Public Health Service, oe as Washington, De CO. Attention General Inspection Service. Sir: I have the honor to enelose herewith eli velnes of articles that appeared in various newspapers since last Saturday, chiefly eon- cerning three alleged deaths in this hospital from the administration of poison. It will be observed that the Commander of the American Legion for the state of Wisconsin asked the Governor to hold an in- vestigation of these deaths, and the Governor requested a coroner of this city to investigate the deaths. Drs» Lorenz, one of the best known pathologists and psychiatrists in the country, and Dr. Guilford of the Wisconsin State Board of Health, were sent here to do an autopsy and report on these cases. This autopsy was also attended by the Clinieal Director of this hospital, Dr. Heldt, and myself. The report shows conclusively that there was nothing unusual or extraordinary about these cases. The one patient autopsied showed unmistakable evidence of double bronchial pneumonia and no evidence whatever of poison. ‘Syphilis, for which the patient was being treated, was also plainly evident. The third patient drawn into this investigation had been autopsied by us several weeks before. He had a typical case of general paralysis of the insane and the autopty findings clearly showed this.» These deaths wold ordinarily have caused no comment in any other hospital. The trouble here wes that the state Commander of the Legion has prompted patients here through the Legion post in the hospital, to report to him any grievance they have, and he being antagonistic to the Public Health Service grabs at anything they might say in order to cause a disturbance, although he admits that the post in the hospitel is = nuisance and says our potients are irresponsible. When this report reached him through the local post he immediately called up the Governor and then gave the information to the associated press that three patients had been poisoned. He announced that he would not have thie thing whitewashed and said the Public Health Service whitewashed everything for which they held an investigation. This man professed to think well of the way I have conducted the hospital and wondered how I had done so well with our irresponsible patients, In the next breath he told me I ought to clean out ail the help I had here and start over news Inasmuch as he never visited here but once previously and had received no reporte except through 2 gal Paar et | Stee I ee ee OTT — 2 } ’ The surgeon General. : ~ B« ivreayonsibie patients, it is difficult to understand how he can come to thet conclusions He said that Dr. Heldt, the Clinical Director, hed no ability and was of no value to the institution. It was enough for him that some patient had told him this. ‘The mere fact that Dr, Heldt hed been offered $10,000 a year to resign and accept a position elsewhere was not sufficient to change hie opinion in the least. The same thing ‘applied to our dietitian whom we think is very efficient. I refused to agree with him on any of these matters or with his idea that the Surgeon General had proved himself to be incompetent because this building has « roof that might burn off and because @ certain non-fire proof storehouse near the building head not been moved, as Dr. Barrett had asked in a letter to the Bureau. It does not seem to penetrate this man's mind that even the Government has to have money before they can spend it. : The only news paper whieh has assumed a hostile attitude toward the hoepitel has been the Milwaukee Sentinel. They wrote several articles ébout the fire traps and the venereal cases here, but discontinued this. after their Waukesha reporter head told them that by their course they were injuring their paper in Waukesha. The citizens of Waukesha, including the downtown post of the American Legion in this sity, appear unamimous ly in favor of the institution. We have not heard either directly or in« directly a hostile word from anyone in thie vicinity, nor has oe been any discontent or hostility among the patients in the hospital, ox thet whieh ie to be expected from this clase of pationte, and that which has oceasionally been fanned by outside influences. Dr. Barrett » the State Comeander of the American Legion seemed very much disappointed at result of the autopsy and the findings of the inquest. He wae disturbed about what his 30,000 Legioners would say when guau found there was nothing to his oharges. Respectfully,