e J GEORGE G. CRAWFORD VICE CHAIRMAN GLENN E. COOLIDGE REX M. CUNNINGHAM CLAYTON A. DILLS W. S. GRANT RICHARD T. HANNA SETH J. JOHNSON HOWARD J. THELIN CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE ASSEMBLY INTERIM COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH W. BYRON RUMFORD, CHAIRMAN January 20, 1958 Lawrence Kolb, M.D. 664.5 - 32nd Street, N.W. Washington 15, D. C. Dear Dr. Kolb: The Assembly Interim Committee on Public Health, on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, CLIT RKE ON EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MISS DIANA CLARKSON ROOM 413 EARL WARREN HALL UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CAMPUS BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: THORNWALL 1-1828 Subcommittee is presently studying the various methods of treatment for narcotic addiction and their effectiveness, and the care that is now available for addicts in California. Assemblyman Rex Cunningham, chairman of this subcommittee, has scheduled the first public hearing for February 13 and 1), in San Francisco. Dr. Marshall Porter, Director of the Department of Mental Hygiene, directed our attention to your article, "Letts Stop This Narcotics Hysteria," in the July 28, 1956 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. He also suggested that lI write you for an up-to-date statement concerning your feel- ings on the medical aspects of narcotics addiction, methods of treatment, and their effectiveness. Any assistance you may be able to give will be greatly appreciated. DC: jn Sincerely yours, eine 6 hartee/ Miss Diana Clarkson Executive Secretary