4 CARMELIA 7 1658 El Paso, Tex. } TREASURY DEPARTMENT ae" “BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE 1N REPLYING Me ee era deans | WASHINGTON AND REFER TO April 4, 1928, Surgeon Lawrence Kolb, Hygienic Laboratory, Twenty-fifth & E Sts., W.W., Washington, D.C, . . My dear Doctor Kolb: Doctor Wilson has apparently become interested in the mental examinations applied by the Recruiting Service of the Army. Inasmuch as Dr, Wilson is engaged (partly) in the mental examina- tion of aliens it is presumed that he desires to use these tests in that connection. I suppose that the Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Scale referred to is the same as the Service is tie in the mental examination of aliens here and abroad, The question arises in my nied as to the advisability of thus encouraging officers in departing from the procedures out- lined in the publication Mental Examination of Aliens, as I feel ' that for administrative and similar reasons the Service policy should be that of uniformity so far as obtainable in the mental examinations conducted by the various officers at various ports. Would you mind giving me your opinion of the advantages of the tests requested by Dr. Wilson over those prescribed in me mental manual? For your information, I am forwarding herewith a copy of Dr. Wilson's letter and request that the same be returned to me — with your comment. : Have you seen this Army Recruiting Officer's set? If so, I wish you would give me your opinion as to whether it contains anything that the Service should adept. Do you know where the Army obtains their sets, i.e., from the open market or do they make them themselves? Very truly yours, FAC:GLK Assistant Surgeon General. Incl. 2 f pense RE OS Ss £, Asa , ‘ TAS . ‘ 5 nity aed 3 Saar Fs eae, eS . — iy eg < s ahh Weal reg ery bt sca 7 5 Ts : : a + tae ee.