BLUE TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ~~ THE SURGEON GENERAL REPLYING ADDRESS THE SURGEON GENERAL U.S, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE WASHINGTON May 26 e 1913 Assistant Surgeon Lawrence Kolb, “United States Public Health Service, Bllis Island, New York, Sir: (Through Chief Medical officer) You are informed that the requirements in the new regulations approved March 4, 1913, for the mental examin- ation for promotion to the grade of Passed Assistant Surgeon are as follows: Par. 42. Examinations for promotion shall be ale chiefly in writing, but may be supplemented, in the discre- tion of the examiners, by an oral examination on any subject connected with the official and professional duties of the officer. Candidates for promotion of whatever rank must show themselves proficient in all the regulations governing the service and the publications of the service******#, Par. 48. An assistant surgeon in order to be recome- mended for promotion must obtain an average mark of 80 per cent and not less than 70 in any of the following branches: (1) Practice of medicine; (2) practice of surgery; (3) ob- stetrics and diseases of women; (4) Hygiene; (5) epidemiology; (6) pathology and bacteriology; (7) regulations. ‘The examin ation will be in writing, ani the candidate must satisfy the ~ board that he hag been diligent in keeping himself informed of the advancement in the practice of his profession since »his appoinuent into the service. 3 it will be seen from the above that examimtior in anatomy, physiology and chemistry are no longer required, but practical application of these branches may be included in the exami nae tions held, particularly in the branches of practice of medicine and surgery. This information is furnished you en account of the near approach of your examination for promotion to the grade of Passed Assistant Surgeon. Respectfully, Sufgeon General. pe.