BLAKE. : VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS WAUKESHA POST NO. 721 MONROE HEATH BLAKE, COMMANDER HENRY A. YOUMANS, ADJUTANT WAUKESHA,. WISCONSIN June, 25th. 1921. Senator Howard Sutherland, iy dear Senator; | Ifeel that it is advisable, amd no more then pot at this time to give you my impressions of this hospital, USHIS Hospital #67 Waukesha, Wis.) Im the first place I am in a position to know of what I speak. As I im an official capacity have had to visit amd inspect many of the Public Health Hospitals, this ome amoung them, So whem it became mecessary for me to enter a hospital I Dai vot have to hesitate as to which one to select, ANDO [N THE THREE MONTHS an Thave been here have hed no occasion to change mY Milwue ! As to Major Kolb the medical officer in charge, I comsider him as both an efficicnt administrator and as an exceptional kind end just mam inhis relations to the patients, Im this connection I must also wention Major Heldt amd Capt'. Norris, And also Captains Oliver and Rodgers, I am sorry to say that I can not include in this list Captain Benton, who tho undoubtedly is a good medical man is entirely umfitted | by anne and disposition for a position in » hospital of this ici, "While in my position as Judge Advocate Gemeral of the Veterans of Foreign Ware, Dept. of Wis. I have had to look into a number of complaints, they are all traceable to the man referred to, I may also say at this time , that a report simdlar has already been made by me to our National Headquarters. As to general conditions here I can say that they are very good, and that the patients as a whole are as well satisfied as a lot of ‘nervous mom can be. excepting in the matter of compensation claims, there is no doubt that just cause of complaint exists, Iwould like if you are willing to go into this matter more fully. The food is very good and plenty of it, In this regard I want to especialgy praise Mrs. Bassett for the way she looks after the comfort of the mon in this way. In closing I went to say that the writer is a Spamish War man, and was an Engineer officer in the war with Germany, was a camp Judge Advocate, and a member of the Clemamcy Board for the review of all Court’ Martial sentences. / Respectfully oe ate ah an eT A Got as EN AO nth eK i Om fa Al Hy EE ET a Se Gm Sm MN A Gat ee emt Oc Judge Advocate General, Dept. of Wis. Veterans of Foreign Wars, | USPHS Hospital, #37.