TREASURY. U. S. Narcotic Farm, c/o Board of Commerce, Lexington, Kentucky. October 22, 1934, wy. Je Ve Bennett, Assistant Director, “EAS ERS _ Bureau of Prigons, . Department of Justice, _\, Washington, De Ce ‘Dear Mr. Bennett: , : . | 3 i I should have answered your letter of October 9 before this. m i ‘fact, I had intended to write both to you and Mr. Betes a letter of & appreciation for the sympathy and help I had at Springfield, but a mass Ye pot work here and the lack of stenographic help prevented me fron tee i /|30 until today. | Prom the time I entered the Bureau of Prisons in Washington ental i i I ‘left Springfield, my contact with the Bureau and other personnel was oS o / most pleasant, and I left the Bureau with a great deal of regret not : only because of this pleasant association but because of my interest in the work at Springfield and my belief in the great future of the insti- tution that you helped to establish there. T think the Bureau of Prisons is fortunate to have at its head a man of Mr. Bates’ cslibre. It would probably be presumption on my part to say anything about his knowledge of prison matters, but I will say — that his knowledge of human beings is extensive and it is largely because of these professional and personel qualities that I ee leaving his : organization. ‘Phe work at Springfield was difficult but I efigoyed it. t toubed: less made mistakes but they were forgiven and I hope corrected. The work here is also going to be difficult, especially until we get or- eenized, but the experience I had in eerneerset’ will stand me in anet stead in this new field. | I shall probably call on you for advice from. time to seme s ah 1 oF hope that you, as well as Mr. Bates, will make it e point to visit Lee In fact, I wrote to Nr, Bates today inviting him to do so. — I With kindest regards, : Sincerely, i oy Lawreiee Kolb, eed Medical Officer in Charges |