e Bae x ( “ SANFORD BATES ( | ene as DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUREAU OF PRISONS _ WASHINGTON PERSONAL October 9, 1954 Dr. L. W. Kolb, Superintendent ' Federal Narcotic Farm Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. Kolb: I hope you will permit me to express in this somewhat more formal way my appreciation of your cooperation during the time you were superintendent of the Hospital for Defective Delinquents at Springfield, Missouri. As you know I am very much interested in the development of this institution as I feel that it is a distinct step forward in establishing an integral system of Federal Penal and Cor- rectional Institutions. As the first superintendent of the hospital your task has been most difficult and trying because you were plowing new ground and establishing new policies. It seems to me that you have estab— lished a sound basis for the future development of the hospital which I am sure will eventually prove to mark an epoch in the development of state and Federal penal policies. I congratulate you and wish you well on the new task to which you have been assigned. Although I regret that your superiors have felt it necessary to relieve you of your duties at the Spring- field Hospital, your assignment to the Narcotic Farm reassures me and ~ makes me believe that this other lively experiment in correctional treatment will be successful. Having worked as I did closely with the authors of this legislation I know something of their views and I feel that were Congressman Porter alive today he would join me in commending the Public Health Service for assigning you to this new activity. With all good wishes, Faithfully, 4 yy 4 KK Sah Assistant Director