~~ QMERICAN LESION IMAHORE Ky wr oo August 30, 1922, F, Ryan Duffy, State Commender, The Ayerioan Legion, fond du Lec, Wisconsin, Dear Commander & Comrade: « There is a rumor ciroulating thet the Medical Officer in Charge, Major Lawrence Kolb, of 0,5. Veterans’ Hospital 737 here at Waukesha is te be transferred, 1 em writing, not my sentiments alone, but the unanimous feeling of our comrades of W.T. Murphy Pest, hoping this report is erroneous, 1 will state os Commander of this Yost that the relations existing between Dry Kolb and our organization has been most cordial and pleasant, We have had oftentimes to appeal to him in rew gard to conditions which we felt were not as they should be and needed correcting, At times our requests were confirmed by Drs Kolb, re- vising ‘inians or decisions made by others than him and it is true that he denied some of our contentions. All of his decisions appeared to us as given of a purely honest ani conscientious view as he saw it. — A& no time has he displeyed any personal feel nor allowed any facter but the merits of the case te be the factors which governed his de-~ cision, He enjoys the confidence of the patients to a marked degree and we feel that with the class of patients which comprises by a vast | majority those hospitalized here, this is quite an advantage to their improvement and aids materially in their cure, We therefore wish you to consider this as an earnest protest arainst the reported contemplated change and sincerely urge you take steps with our Netionel Commender arresting this move for we feel that the effect of & change will be a considerable one to our comrades who ere now so une fortunate as to be in the hospital here and their conditions would be eet held up by the coming of a new Medical Officer In Charge; and until his policies and views were known controversies and misunderstendings are very liable te arise which would give unpleasant noteriety to both Legion members as well as hospitel organization. Trusting you wil] see fit, to concur with me in protesting against the transferring of Dy, Kolb, I am Very truly yours, Vincent. D, Mahoney Post Comanier,