RESOLUTION PASSED BY DANIEL J. MARTIN POST #8 AMERICAN LEGION (Department of Wis). Waukesha, Wis. WHEREAS, there has recently arisen widespread criticism of the administration of the UNITES STATES VETERANS! HOSPITAL No. 37, located at Waukesha, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the DANIEL J. MARTIN POST # 8 AMERICAN LEGION, De- partment of Wisconsin, Waukesha, Wisconsin, has been re- presented at the several investigations conducted by out— ' Side interests in addition to numerous direct investigations by the Post of complaints, and WHEREAS, there has been found in the recent investigations, no just cause or reason for condemnation of authorities now connected with the institution, and WHEREAS, unwarranted publicity through the medium of the press has resulted in injury to the morale of the patients, as well as that of the medical staff. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that in case of future com— plaints against the administration of this institution, publicity be withheld until investigation is completed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the DANIEL J. MARTIN POST # 8 express their belief in the entire competence of Dr. Lawrence Kolb, Surgeon in charge, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be sent to Hanford S. McNider, National Com. American Legion; Edward J. Barrett, Commander Dept. of Wisconsin; Surgeon General H. S. Cummings; Charles R. Forbes, Director Veterans! Bureau; ©. W. Spofford, Sth Bistrict Manager Veterans! Bureau; Brig. Gen. Charles E. Sawyer; Governor John G. Blaine. ©