a, Te 2 EO TT a ne BS, TS OO ae PRD LIP ae _ that this Resolution was passed, Be Pa aE ON, ENE RE Oe SNR RE RT IS . \ ek, r Me Aha OP net ORE Fa tae WSEAS See, TR RE Oe a See ee % Sane . May 8th, 1922. Mr, C. W. Spofford, : ~ie a Dist. Mgr, Veterans’ Bureau, : | : oir Leiter Building, Chicago, . Tllinois, Dear Sir: We are enclosing a copy of @ Resolution which was recently passed by our, post..: As we knew you were interested in the administration of all. vet-— erans' hospitals, we considered it our duty to a@equaint you with our action in this matter. We feel that the administration of this hospital has been particularly unfortunate in publicity of & rather acandalous nature which has quite recently appeared in the press and, even though in most. - cases. there was some foundation for investigation, there was no reason for the attendant publicity. | Being located in the same city in which this hospital is situated, we have been in immediate touch with these various situations as they arose. We, there- fore, feel that we are better able to. make an unbiased presentation of these facts. : “This Post is particularly interested in the welfare and hospitalization of the patients in U: S, Veterans! Hospital No. 37, and it was with this idea in view vee Very truly yours, : DANIEL J, MARTIN post # 8 ' : i, ¥ , ees | er Adjutant ‘Ene. Misc 4 : é 3 ‘ i | PS AMERICAN LF6I0N eo Feptlene so MARTIN Rost Ma]