TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE OFFICE OF MEDICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE American Consulate. Southampton, England. Feb. 28,1930. Bear Kolb: Shoulda Have written you long ago but have been at first one thing and then another,have had very few applicants in since you left except on days when we had so many that we did not have time to do mentals. I am sending you on all that have been done since you left and want you to go over them and correct the marks and then , return for our information.I think that Mrs Seaman is doing them ~ well now except for the repeating of the digits,she still Lae a slight intonation to her voice but is improving. In rmany I’ saw quite a few pumps with the handles reversed, but have not seen any in England,what about it? Please don't hesitate to correct us ad lib. Reeeived a cable yesterday advising me that Sweet is sailing on Mar. Sth,arriving here on Mar.@3,to relieve me. I expect to leave here on the-return voyage of the George Washington,i.e. Mar. 18.I suppose that he couldn't find any thing to suit him ever there. To tell the truth he did'nt want to go to start with and guess that the Bureau is very glad that he is willing to return, as a matter of fact he wrote me so.He also said that the Parker : bill is sure to pass,and that the pay bill is getting along nicely. One laboratory attendant has died with psittacosis,and Armstrong — is sick but has passed the sixth day when the most alarming symptons usually arise.Also said that Treadway's work is broadening and expects to have eventually about forty men on the job,a bill has passed the House baeked by the Dept. of Justice putting all Federal prison work under our charge,but that the Service can't get the men to fill the present vacancies and when they do get them they soon resign.Pierce is up against it and does no b know where he will get the men to fill the places over here fc ae $0 return.They are expecting a turnover in Washington this cubase due to some having to get out of the Bureau(end of two terms as Asst.S.G.) Well I stayed at the Carlton about a week after you left, the heat beeame less and less,couldn't even get hot water to shave in. The manager wanted me to have it brought up every morning and sit in the living room for heat,so I went down to the Polygon Hetel, we had been there before and I feel at home,they are charging me 31/2 ens. per week there.The Polygon is considered the next best hotel after the Southwestern,and has about 75 guests all of the time.I asked the manager ‘what he had to say about the 18sh.extra bill that you paid,and he said that he could not make an explanation. Write and let me hear your plans,hope to see you before I go. Best regards to all the Cerone does not like American schools. Sincerely