ts bias 7 > f | TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE American Consulate. Southampton, England. January 29,1930. OFFICE OF MEDICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE Dear Yr, Kolb: : I have been trying for a week to get to write you a line, put have not succeeded.I finally received a letter from the Brreau saying that it will be impossible to relieve me here before next spring.On January 18,1 received a cable stating that Mrs.Sandidge's father was very sick in a hospital and for.her to come if possible. I cabled the Bureau for orders so that she could travel at gov't. expense,and received same,i.e. "relieved from duty when an officer reports to relieve you".I think that these orders were only written so that Mrs.Sandidge could travel. . On Jan.19,received a cable that her father was better and to wait, the next day I received another saying to come: on the first boat.I had reservations for her and Roy on the S.S.George Washington, due to sail on Jan.23.I1t finally got away from here at midnight Jan. 24. You ean imagine that we were busy packing up in addition to the worry all of last week.Since Mrs.Sandidge left I Rave been trying to get the rest of our things together,in addition have had a lot of work to do on the docks.Sometimes the dock work takes a lot of thme,for example I have been playing with one suspicious case of ring-worm of the finger nails since 10 o'clock this morning,and have just finished it and it is four P.M. now. I have our house on my hands until Feb.15,unless it can be rented in the meantime.I told the landlady that I would get out on a days notice if she could rent it before.I doubt if she will rent it until that date.1I would be awful glad if you would come on here next week.I can put you up very easily,and we can be company for each other.!I still have the maid that we have had.She comes in about eight in the morning,makes fires,gets breakfast,and dinner, leaving when she has finished everything,I usually eat a cold supper i.e. what is left over from dinner,.The greatest trouble will be a comfortable bed for you to sleep in.The beds at this place are the most horrible that I have ever attempted to sleep in,and in addition you have to dress in a cold roém,but expect that you are used to that by now.vhen I get rid of the house expect to go to a family hotel. Bruins, the new executive consul found one here with central heat and running hot water in your room,and not too expensive. I have been trying to find out "the numbers expected in here next month.They might have about 200,so far we have only had 119 this month.It is about impossible to "Pind out until the day before how many people you will have.The ones from Cardiff and Plymouth come,or are supposed to come on Tuesdays and Fridays,from Southampton on Thevedays Mondays,and the others on Thurdays.The only days that we get many are on Tuesdays and Fridays. The highest number in any one day this month was 10 people. T sent es the papers yesterday, but did not have a chance to 3 de @ EC : write you. I am really ashamed to mention the way these tests have been gimwen here.It was certainly gross carelessness on my part.My only excuse is that most if not all of them were given while I was at the docks,I also thought that I recalled that you said that the nurse was familiar with the work,but of course that does not relieve me. I find that practically every thing that has balay Ser here has had some error in it.The designs were given separtély,and with no clocked time,well I will tell you all about it when you get here,I made her give the tests to me,I don't mean that I did them all but mate her start,in that way found out that about every thing is wrong. I ean't promise you that you will have enough applicants here to keep you even fairly busy,but at the same time would certainly like for you to come on next week,you will have more prospects at the first of the month tham the last. I can't promise you much in a social way,but as a matter of fact Mrs. Sandidge and I have rather enjoyed the quietness,but can give you a place to stop in ,with your meals, a few picture shows etc. and will put you up. until I get out of the house which may be not before Feb.15, we can then go to the same hotel. If you can come on now you will certainly help a lonesome soul out, believe me I am lonesome now.l haven't the slightest idea when I will be relieved as "next spring"is rather indefinite.Please arrange to stay longer than a week, Let me hear when you expect to arrive,will meet you if possible Sineerely yours, Sau diclag My home address in 65 Brookvale Road Aeon §422,if you should get in at night don't hesitate to come on out,i.e. if I should miss you. The family hotel I expect to go to is the Carlton Hotel,Carlton Cresent, I will be there if not at the home address.