1926 ‘EXTRACTS FROM THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF IN- TERNAL REVENUE, 1926, IN REGARD TO THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE NARCOTIC LAWS NARCOTIC DIVISION On June 30, 1926, 322 persons were registered under the Harrison Narcotic Act, as amended, as importers and manufacturers, 1,826 as wholesale dealers, 48,459 as retail dealers, 143,879 as practitioners, and 119,146 as dealers in and manufacturers of untaxed narcotic preparations, the latter number including registrants not required to pay special tax by reason of paying another tax under the act, or a total of 313,632 registrations. During the year a total of 5,926,688 ounces of taxable narcotic drugs was imported. There was an aggregate of 1,654,333 ounces of narcotic drugs, both in pure form and_as part content of compounds and preparations, in the possession of manufacturers on July 1, 1925. Imports amounting to 5,926,688 ounces were added to this quantity during the year, making a total of 7,581,021 ounces. During the year manufacturers exported 1,188 ounces of this supply or of the drugs derived therefrom through manufacturing, and 467,349 ounces of like description were sold by them to domestic purchasers, leaving a total of 1,606,332 ounces in the possession of manufacturers on June 30, 1926. A mathematical balance can not be produced from the foregoing statement, as an alkaloid or derivative is not the equivalent in weight of the drug from which it is obtained. through a manufacturing process. During the year ended June 30, 1925, a total of 3,366,368 ounces of narcotic drugs of all kinds was imported while during the year ended June 30, 1926, an aggregate of 5,926,688 ounces was imported, an increase of 3,560,320 ounces. During the same periods 8,541 ounces and 5,723 ounces, respectively, were exported, showing a decrease of 2,818 ounces. The net aggregate quantity of pure drugs of all kinds contained in products sold by manufacturers to domestic purchasers during the fiscal year 1925 amounted to 441,677 ounces, and domestic sales of this description for the fiscal year 1926 involved 467,349 ounces, or an increase of 25,672 ounces. The drugs exported involved 265,416 taxable ounces of products and those sold to domes- tic purchasers 4,680,428 taxable ounces. (Tax is paid by stamps at the rate of 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof for the entire contents of each package or bottle. A compound or preparation containing a narcotic drug in a quantity exceeding the statutory exemption is taxed the same as the pure drug.) During the year 1926, a total of 9,147 ounces of narcotic drugs and preparations was seized or purchased as evidence through enforcing the internal revenue narcotic laws. 30145—27} 1 2 At the beginning of the year 3,303 violations of the Harrison Narcotic Act were pending against persons not entitled to regis- tration under the law, and a total of 6,602 violations against such persons was reported during the year. At the beginning of the year 2,755 violations of the law were pending against registered persons. During the year penalties, imposed by section 3176 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, were assessed against. 23,506 regis- tered persons on account of failure to register and pay special tax as - required under the act, and 3,656 violations of the law were reported during the year which involved other charges of greater significance. Accordingly, a total of 9,905 violations accrued during the year against unregistered persons and 29,917 violations of all kinds against registered persons. Of the unregistered persons charged with violations of the law 4,835 were convicted, 189 were acquitted, 54 submitted acceptable offers in compromise of their liability, 1,744 cases were dropped, and 3,083 cases were pending at the close of the year. Of the cases accruing against registered persons, collection of specific penalty was made in 23,506 cases, 223 persons were convicted, 12 were acquitted, and 1,965 submitted acceptable offers in compromise of their liability, 12 cases were dropped, and 2,802 cases were pending at the close of the year. | At the beginning of the year 88 cases of violations of the act _ of January 17, 1914, regulating the manufacture of smoking opium, were pending and 84 cases were reported during the year, or a total of 172 violations. During the year 62 persons were convicted, 3 were acquitted, 46 cases were dropped, and 61 violations were pending at the close of the fiscal year. A total of 5,120 convictions under the internal revenue narcotic laws\ was had, for which the courts imposed sentences aggregating 6,797 years, 11 months, and 10 days and fines amounting to $374,677.23. A total of 2,019 cases was compromised, the aggre- gate amount collected being $144,054.70. During the year ended June 30, 1925, a total of 10,297 cases of criminal character was re- ported, whereas during the last fiscal year 10,342 such cases were reported. An increase of 45 cases over the previous year is to be noted, indicating a more effective operation of the field force and more efficient means for disclosing violations of the law. Sentences for the past year totaled 6,797 years, 11 months, and 10 days, whereas the -ageregate for the preceding year was only 6,361 years, 11 months, and 7 days. Fines imposed decreased from $453,330.27 to $374,677.23. Monthly returns of sales, etc., rendered by importers, manufac- turers, and wholesale dealers afford means not only for controlling the manufacture and sale of narcotics but also for a systematic scrutinizing of all purchases. As far as possible with the present force, every person the aggregate of whose purchases has appeared excessive, has been investigated. An abstract system, operated in connection with the audit of the monthly returns for apprehend- ing such purchasers, has resulted in directing the inspections and investigations of registered persons most essential to that aspect ‘of the enforcement of the law. Greater economy in.the operation of the field force in making inspections is also thereby afforded. 3) The number of agents and’ imspectors in the narcotic field force averaged 294 for the year. The collections under the narcotic laws for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, were $981,739.07, a decrease of $109,193.66 under the collections for the previous year, which were $1,090,932.73. TABLE 38.—REGISTRATIONS UNDER THE Harrison Narcotic Law, as AMENDED, YeaR ENDED JuneE 30, 1926, By Starms anD By CuasszEs! State Class 1 { Class2 | Class3 | Class4 | Class 5 Total AGL GHOET as 6 © meee nia loa es ery nee a 30 709}. 2,215 988 3, 949 KO Teee tern, Ben Stor ee Ron tec awl Ree ae 2 20} - 46 ~- 28 91 IATA U HT eee eee ee NIELS a eee pe en Set te eae hae 5 128 362 151 646 AU eas ca at aie an = Rope op ee See 3 17 610 2, 168 926 3, 724 CO eet eset ee he eke nee 12 106 2, 910 7, 818 5, 378 16, 224 COO tape oon nin nw aoa teed se oe ee ' 38 550 1, 791 2, 453 4, 832 COI ACUisa:- = code ~e sen 5-5 Stee 2 25 668 1, 882 1, 379 3, 956 Delaware : 1 1 94 274 480 850 District of Columbia ze 12 239 899 463 1, 615 Hlorida 4.24 axccue 23 714 I, 615 919 ° 8, 271 Georgia_.-- 61 903 2, 891 1, 914 5, 776 Hawali_..---- 9 20 292 95 419 TagnGe s+. 229 668 233 1, 136 STEVES ad 8 cet ha pi es Ema Ec 106 8, 253 10, 352 7, 229 20, 962 THOS ae eee neat ons Seta eee 84 , 099 4, 044 4, 992 , TO Wipes rernenriecrenatrcnyrectoner santana Renae 50. 905 3, 338 4, 548 8, 846 EA Grae rend a eRe rer ow ne oe ee oe 30 801 2, 485 8, 399 6, 715 Weribctey: Sepa 2. /c4a_pas- | ape carpe 1 36 622 1, 553 736 2, 948 Weestevarcinint: 223.242 008. . ake aciaec ‘3 21 428 2, 693 2, 080 5,175 Wisconsin? 39% BF 2 she. cee.) poe ge | oes. 4 23 1, 076 3, 089 2, 995 7, 187 Woyonaltig=t Bee beat. sod-) ane 2ez age { yee > poe 6 59 194 83 342 Mintah Get fo hie TS. . TRE AOL as | 322 1, 826 48,459 | 143,879 | 119, 146 818, 632 1 Explanation of classes: Class 1, importers, manufacturers, producers, and compounders; class 2, whole- sale dealers; class 3, retail dealers; class 4, physicians, dentists, veterinary surgeons, and other practitioners and hospitals, sanitoria, etc.; class 5, dealers in and manufactures of untaxed narcotic preparations. 4. TasBuET 39.—GENBERAL STATEMENT OF IMPORTS AND MANUFACTURERS’ STOCK OF TaxaBLE Narcotic Drugs, anp DisposiTions Mavz TaerReor, YEAR ENDED June 30, 1926 : : alka- : Mor- 5 . a " Co- Coca Opium Codeine} Heroin | Dionin} loids caine leaves Map pcturers stock July 1, | Pounds | Ounces | Ounces | Ownces | Ounces. Ownces| Ounces| Pounds Oe MAE ed 2 35, 741. 5 56,490 | 46,937} 8,064 | 1,721 |. 2,097 | 24,868 | 58, 893. 25 thiportad a ippioes 55223 -One ee Dia G10) Wee een = Renee oes | era ae eee eras S See ae eo a 262, 670. 5 Total. cals Sidis sk 143, 489 56,490 | 46,937] 8,064] 1,721 | 2,097 | 24,868 | 321, 568. 75 Exported by manufacturers--_ ie 206 126 104 2 90 216 10 Sold by manufacturers (do- . Se estic).-t aaic 2. age a. 11, 496. 75 | 106,871 | 127,127 | 1,550] 4,878] 3,621 | 32, 794 410 Miscellaneous dispositions ¢ (destroyed, theft, etc.)_.-.-- 224. 5 733 307 45 6 Gel Penna te 94, 75 Manufacturers’ stock June 30, ‘ | eee 2 re Se Se 21, 756. 5 41,359 | 40,911} 2,944 | 1,962] 38,748 | 24,124 | 71, 448.75 Totalecen weno fceaget~< 33, 495.5 | 149,169 | 168,471 | 4,643 | 6,848] 7,462 | 57,209 | 71, 963.5 Tasie 40.—ComMPARATIVE STATEMENT oF Imports, EXPORTS, AND DoMESTIC Sates or TaxasiE Narcotic Druas, Years ENDED JunzE 30, 1921-1926 ! Opium Morphine Codeine Heroin Net Net Net Net quan- Taxable | quan- | ‘Taxable | quan- | Taxable; quan- | Taxable tity tity tity tity |- Imports: Pounds Ounces att St see eo oo 47, 024. 25 755, 381 HOGDs. Sataee Sie 135, 093 2 161, 488 1928. ---.---------- 99, 358. 5 1 589, 662 fe oe ae 107, 747, 5 } 723, 960 2, 013. 5 49, 869 1,271.75 | 47, 012 242. 75 39, 523 129.5 11, 260 192.75 | 30,869 183.75 | 38,779 803 57, 291 387 | 5,421 126 | 110, 524 19, 727.25 | 1, 278, 680 | 821,715 | 3,456,118 | 94,507 | 544,787 | 16,635 | 1, 498, 527 63, 952.75 | 1, 838, 225 | 183, 671 | 2,410,222 | 107,408 | 466,919 | 18,009 | 1, 081, 138 53, 946.5 | 1,881,612 | 195,577 | 2, 681,980 | 165,776 | 699, 504 | 31,173 | 1, 613, 879 10, 766 610, 944 | 77,597 | 1,318,428 | 75,895 | 268,904 | 16, 985 874, 753 11, 429.25 | 1,036,346 | 106, 164 | 2,606,305 | 96,896 | 523,362 | 4,958 908, 079 11, 496. 75 997, 404 | 106, 871 | 2, 487, 769 127, 127 | 561,813 | 1, 550 179, 360 1 Figures reported in the columns headed “‘Net quantity” represent exact quantities of narcotic drugs both in pure state and as part content of compounds and preparations. ‘Tax is paid by stamps at the rate of 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof for the entire contents of each package or bottle. A compound or preparation containing a narcotic drug in a quantity exceeding the statutory exemption is taxed the same as the pure drug. The Bee of ‘‘taxable’”’ ounces reported has been determined from the value of stamps required. 3 5 Tapie 40.—Comparative STATEMENT OF [mMporTs, ExPortTs, AND Domestic Sates or TaxaBtE Narcotic DruaGs, YEARS ENDED JUNE ’30, 1921-1926— Continued Other opium Dionin alkaloids and Cocaine Coca leaves derivatives Net Net Net Net quan- |Taxable| quan- |Taxable| quan- | Taxable quan- Taxable tity tity tity tity imports: Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces| Ounces Pounds Ounces UOT ane aoe ae oc tsah 7 3,691 | 6,140 2 14, 078 | 387, 195 6, 195, 120 Fees eee BA tS 110 110 560 560 {| 4,462 4,462 | 33, 080 }, 280 Ma e8 Se soos ee gote nll Soe IOS iy oe | ieee ete 286, 982. 5 4, 590, 920 1024 cts ec] enable Loses ee eee 2 OE ek eee eee 208, 862 8, 341, 792 HORHs sac ee ee | Re cea ac 2 ta Fe eae ee ae es 109, 920 1, 758, 720 POOGI Se ctesst Ae aS es| 22 Se SS tS a ae ee ee 262, 670. 5 4, 202, 728 Exports: < 1 Eee ese) Sapeaeenes. an 82 185 171 | 1,440] 7,928 99, 346 940 15, 209 ee ee on cake ae 25 287 106} 1,714} 3,386 28, 312 605. 75 9, 801 Ce = Se scan se ee 58 362 116 | 2,318) 1,685 39, 229 444 * 8, 028 Oe ame hance tate ouean 23 156 74 543 489 31, 518 147.5 3, 152 SN Di ae i on Se Rae a 24 232 31 |- 2,001 3885 28, 285 214 3, 423 20 wen a: he were oe Bo 23 57 92 1,940 392 50, 444 60 960 Domestic sales: Owe i aes 5, 512 | 36,609 | 6,731 | 61,916 | 81,520 | 738,270 886. 25 18, 122 1999 IP a oe Ree 4,302 | 25,4538 | 3,696 | 42,022 | 58,320 | 428, 127 1, 274.5 24, 668 2 ees Bene ts hae ae 5, 229 | 30,264 | 4,262 | 48,099 | 57,123 | 436,608 | 66,972.5 1, 101, 985 SO a eae se es a 4,688 | 26,523 | 4,006 | 42,877 | 37,051 273, 551 176. 75 12, 717 MOQ Le. coa ck See de see 4,554 | 32,184 | 3,419 | 38,407 | 38,388 | 344,143 561. 25 18, 144 1OAGso-esn etc 4,878 | 42,182 | 3,621 | 62, 208 32, 794 335, 344 410 14, 398 Tapun 41 a eee Narcotic Drugs YHAR EnpEep June 30, IMPORTED INTO THE UniITED STATEs, 1926, By CouNTRIES England ‘Greece Turkey in Europe Persia, oie Net Net Net N e e e et ; quantity) 78 jquantity| 72 | quantity; 7T8* | quantity; 72% Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds OPUS SS 6 ct ee 12, 210 |$1, 953. 60 | 44, 959. 5 /$7, 198.52 | 47, 248.75 |$7, 559. 00 800 | $128.00 Turkey in Asia Holland Peru Total De Net Net Net N e e e . Net quantity Tax |quantity) T2* quantity Tax quantity Tax Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Opin ese oe Papago cM Ag. oy ae alee oo et Nye per alee tan Ae 107, 747.5 | $17, 239. 60 Ooee leaves s3258| aes -- 5 oelo~ coe ee 129, 617 |$20, 738. 72 | 133, 053. 5 |$21, 288.56 |. 262,670.5 | 42,027.28 Tousls 2c 2, 534. 25 405.48 | 129,617 | 20, 738.72 | 183, 053.5 | 21, 288.56 | 370, 418 _ 59, 266. 88 1 Importations restricted by law to opium and coca leaves. 6 Tasure 42.—TaxasBLte Narcotic Drucs AND PREPARATIONS EXPORTED FROM THE UNITED States, YeaR EXnDED JUNE 30, 1926, By CouNtTRIES! Opium Morphine Codeine Heroin Countr Net Net Net oe ee ee * quan- |Taxable| quan- |Taxable} quan- Taxable) quan- |Taxable tity tity tity tity Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces BOTA oe a ee aE oe 6 96 5 EVE | ccs eee See eg ood ce ae | ees British Honduras - - By 34 332 162 214 1 4 | 1 40 90d 2s} 2c G9 Ase cee 24 366 96 | 7, 732 2 60 | 3 6, 256 G@hstadtica...-meim .__ sieve? 1 see 96 536 10. 520 4 aye ae ao Guatemala its ) sane 23 332 12 676 13 195 |2 24 3-2 Sales eee Balvggors! 1. pee wage tigen ae Fae | 21 234 1 G4: fee oe ae RS eee SVEGRIGG. i 5- wer ge teas EON tee 57 756 30 | 4,105 2 TTY [eee ee ee eee Newfoundland and Labrador.-....__|.-.-----|-------- 2 1 a6 Reo. ener British West Indies.-...._...-.--___- 50 141 25 1, 031 1 halle Reames Seater (Sit ho on be eh ok tone 83 | 1,133 84 | 8, 936 i DU ae ema 2 Dominican Republic.___.....-.-.--_- 76 298 10 305 8 16 |... eee oe. UMUEs ca ek Se era ee ee PLS 103 900 iT 20 37 HOG | 253. o_o shee ee American Virgin Islands...-.-.--.-.- 10 96 1 “62 1. TO: oe PE (bran Coes sae eke eh 2s oe eel 2 eee it B34 BUR Fo ee | Rae eee 45 | 39, 252 i 103 1, 229 86 | 8, 520 eigen eel es 4 080 OU One a a Re Re ay i 129 1 Afac| 1S eed cr Sk rs eee eno BuidishsGiilancaee 0 Ye peas eee ee 1 16 1 OA Ie ie See Al i hes a ee Peru___-._- er i hte aaa re ese 88 | 1,545 Ban cease ee ee reel eee Venezticla... 2... BERS AVON 43 880 26) 2,891 1 16 a 24 Wnion-of: South Arita =e el ee oe ee La |et. Gaba ones | Sees 12 | 10,896 PO ee ee ee 2,941 | 88,779 803 | 57, 291 387 | 5,421 126 | 110, 524 \ Other opium \ Dionin alkaloids and Cocaine Coca leaves \ derivatives Oounthy, Net Net Net Net quan- |Taxable) quan- |Taxable) quan- |Taxable] quan- |Taxable tity : tity tity tity | : Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ownces | Ounces | Ounces Berimdaes. 3 A as ek 1 Peps bt. J sek ag 1 D5 -|2k oie is sl See Brish teOuGUraS. 0 fee SSS ee ees S| eee a) gee al J Ae sae oe ea Olathe aa ta tweet oe one Gee Se 1 10 83 | 1,307 aides NO04s| zene a eee Costa Rilggame 82 pb 5k Bide ee | ee Sl eget ae 1 Deis Set Saleen. ICTR UTERO rE Vaeeee 2 One Rote ae le naam eee ao ee ee ee ieee 2 Dig he 2) Sit ees aoa SER PICEEED cS actrees renin baie ee a tes gah aad Rare 1 3 ie g £5) erga | eae GABA OUIAL 2 2 a ats ity ee Age aa leae aA Sep ee fe ee) Sele ae. 8 Dee | ergot Sera eee cate Pom. cee te RD 2 Se nS ees Se 2 ee a cme es 6 GbE skh oo Sl eee bes DANA Or: 30-3 e no eee ee ieee = FT a RTE omer ae nee | caer eee Oe 5 TORS ern eae ae IMIOMCO 2 dawtet ates ose See eee er, SSL ae ee: ol oe a ras 12 SBOP ee Tic Hee ie eee Newfoundland and Labrador... .._-_|-------- 1 Gls sys Sal eee British West Gitdies.........--...-. S}2°84 2 7 CIA) dae aS ah inition Ua OU Os Pes eo te ne ea tea 32 | 25, 266 752 752 Dominican Republic.._.-....-..-.-...|-------- 9 DGS aa a RI Sh Ca PAT eee. aire: athena oe pee peas ers ae eae | Pe alee ee ales tee. pe ee 160 160 American Virgin Islands. ...--...._2-|--.----- AB Sis aed id arn RANE RS, vel side tes viet re 28 See wor tice BR eS el PAO acl, D208 ea ee Chindee: Savi Fie pete oF Sale 4 AT tee eee alee ES i ri inis eee ee Seo Se eae ae a EARS [ee ecere eee. DE Wie DALONIG secon ase meta ck el eae eet 1 Jato sz wcdeeted wie ae es Philippine Islands.-.........-...---- 18 18 QBS. oie a tee TESTE BOLLS VEO peepee miata ee eee Mick re Sede 2 MOEN ag BA TiS ie pap eie ree eae OOM ood Ga ee 1 6| 1,373 48 48 BUOUAMOP. Stoo nee Lo ee eee |e eed 1 SEG 4 es WADI Gion (ede aed ao ee ee Si See 1 Bri| Seta Slee Se OR tterae ois ke os to, Lg Scie alg ees 2 ADs). eae | See WiSNOZM Ole Saat ere 4 DOT Soa peel ee eas Union of South Africa.._...----...-..|-------- Ee Oy eee see Bees MOta ete wae. See es BOR 23 392 | 50, 444 960 960 1 Figures reported in the columns headed ‘‘Net quantity’ represent exact quantities of narcotic drugs, both in pure state and as part content of compounds and preparations. Taxis paid by stamps at the rate of 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof for the entire contents of each package or bottle. preparation containing a narcotic drug in a quantity exceeding the statutory exemption is taxed the same as the pure drug. The number of ‘taxable’? ounces reported has been determined from the value of stamps required. A compound or P Taste 43.—Taxasie Narcotic Drugs aND PREPARATIONS SoLD WITHIN THE Unirep States By MANUFACTURERS, YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1926, By StatEs! Codeine Opium Morphine Heroin State Net Net Net Net quan- | Taxable} quan- | Taxable quan- | Taxable; quan- |Taxable tity tity tity tity : Ounces | Ownces | Ounces | Ownces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces ee AP DAT eae tite ots eo ee 5 al Fe Oy 20h nae cee Bee peer eee ea Aoi paysite se SSO Sec ia BOR eee im gee eee eee ele ie ee @alvounie oak et 2 (CORHCCUIEU eee tess c= Sip | nahn ga laan kee e eae te cola ead poe | “bts bah eee eye eee 5 ELE) Senge: aga ee Sal ey lhe Bik £24 as ia aca eae iy Nay eis te gets elegans |b de ee She District of Columbi 1 Greorsiveres. 2a socace if 3 Eater. ~~ oot a ek 1 25 Witinoisste cit. ee 11 1,075 rchnvid ee race eet lan 4 1, 297 ROW ste cet coh en oct ee 1 63 TCR OR Ne a - os age gene 1 20 sO MISIAN AA} <- .- oear me od ae 1 16 WERINO 28 to-go ee | 28RD | eSO |e gg e| Pies oe ORG oer fc os oe ee ee ee DVPAV land S222 eee lo 6 891 Massachusetts 1 142 DING ANss St ase 6 283 En TesHin = 25.5 i. ato bee 1 171 204 65 1 10 INDISSONTI ECL a tec 24,435 | 28, 306 15, 199 793, 262 | 26, 600 52, 389 5 1, 066 DR Ovet atl nd 9 ee eee ae Be 3 3 1 8 : Hl 1 1 Nebraska =f pee oe ooo saes 9 52 1 180 8 108 1 33 New Hampshire. _......_.--. 108 1, 639 123 2,470 37 1, 828 iE 112 INOW) ONSO Ves =o eae a Sta 14,545 | 25, 650 4,140 24,725 | 23,107 | 51,199 4 318 WOW Y Orkee = eens be 23,394 | 178,077 | 14, 551 158,141 | 18,249} 80,364 1,430 | 162,371 North Carolina. ....-.....--- 3 V30T ae cee foes ee ech soos |e poe eee eee er HO fe ne tee aie gs 2,895 | 38, 225 1, 709 32, 484 1,007 | 18,827 3 1,.402 Oklahomaas - = eae see wes 270 1, 567 1 Dor \aate dacs cesmonse = 1 64 OTCTON ae Joc on Pee eee 164 Oba ce gee et ee ee 1 42 1 16 Penns ViVanin>.csos 20s oe 55,190 | 99,709 | 28,570 88, 674 | 380,503 | 44,315 47 9, 360 Rhode Island -..- 39 527 15 344 13 204 i 63 South Carolina. 298 3, 051 1 32 6 119 1 378 Tennessee.... 2,206 | 29, 496 1, 040 18, 024 74 960 15 173 TRL NTIN oe | cari Sick pee inte 612 7, 430 297 23, 228 81 911 1 62 Un sen toe te eee Se eg 23 7 a ia a i ae 1 De P aS eee | aes wihetivint o.oo ee se 420 Biber es. nee sae ce peels cc hor. [ete e sae oe | ume tes eel cree ra WEASEL GT oe get ere 137 » 504 1 LDR OE Se Reece |Raoaa oroln aeeenenen AVON VAbINia. =o. s 32 397 1 1 1 de ae apy i aa Wisconsin....------ aa peeee 126 1, 986 35 1, 260 178 419 1 86 GUHIS a tte a sac See 183, 949 | 997, 404 | 106,871 | 2,487,769 | 127,127 | 561,813 | 1, 550 | 179,360 1 Figures reported in the columns headed ‘‘ Net quantity’? represent exact quantities of narcotic drugs, both in pure state and as part content of compounds and preparations. of 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof for the entire contents of each package or bottle. — preparation containing a narcotic drug in a quantity exceeding the statutory exemption is taxed the same as the pure drug. required. Tax is paid by stamps at the rate A compound or The number of ‘‘taxable’’ ounces reported has been determined from the value of stamps 8 TaBie 43.—TaxaBie Narcotic DruGs AND PREPARATIONS Soup WITHIN THE g@ Unirep Starus By Manuracturirs, YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 1926, py StarEs— Continued © ; Other opium r Dionin alkaloids and Cocaine Coca leaves derivatives State Net Net Net Net Tax- Tax- Tax- Tax- quan- quan- quan- quan- tity able tity able tity able tity able Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces | Ounces FES O00: eapigelny SoA) Sh fe iy ie OB ed | uy 5 Peep eeipee | mea neg 1 DOF woes = Negra act ite en re Ce Ae een Lae ok te Cee OR ei een Rete Le Des, 5 ees 1 ee eae ent Settee @alilenine: «oo ees oe 4 Pigs ee ee Coes BOs o2;a0e |e ose aaa s WOWMEOUICIN os vate ea sae een | ce ee SS ee ee ee oe Sle SS Seen [tea me Si ome ae oe | ns lg oe SW CTV ATOR: sii be on oa ete eae 1 1m Sa ee es ees 4 85 UST Sees PS TMLC HON NO-OL LID ee eo see nc ot ieee See ema Ge ea a 9 188 eet nae Boling cia 5 See ok ee ig 1 iL 1 2 Sie (tec, Meese | Steed eMac eee ot Meee A) ef 2 1 13 OB e Reet See eee cae «Di aYOS Sb: GP Sp ts RES 7 RT a 6 390 7 126 148 2, 154 a dana Benes cee Coe wig ne So eae st 13 2 33 900 | 27,721 69 TowWaeestsnte es Siew eg not ee epee oe 1 Sle 35 sea ets 25 SIVAN | tc ets | fee ee FOTIUG a eet 2 eee ace = Oe ek [eee ee il es Meee Sone oe ete ee 22 1, 349 16 AISI amaa ss. se ce eet aaen Se see ee eee a aoe Se 1 2 2 Oeste come ante PUG spt,” ean ca A gn Rey th Se re ean atl BSG ea A el ORM | A Leal A Mag ber ey 5 ae py ll euee ped ME VAG HC silo o oc So cee oe oak 6 65 3 66 580 O, SUR poate canis. ase Massachiisetts. . 2 2282.2 4 222 ee 1 it 1 19 9 6 1, 324 MVid CH Cree a So oo ee hae oe 21 783 5 240 1, 741 56, 185 4,331 ADEE AV hoy cy PS pay get a PS I > SEE a A TC ee AB EN DIOS 7 62 1 VTS OROLITIES als eee See hee ek Soe 4,088 | 4,815 762 | 3,233 | 9,585 | 29, 549 863 Wipnishass een cee ae tars ee Se ees CN tee ee el ag She 8 Acne Rees Series eter INPDrasin ++ tna eet hae Soe ee 1 BOS states Coa ere eet ete oe ete ee New. Hampshire...-.---.--.:-.----- 1 Db ee bee 4 es He sca e |S. ree Weowed CLs Vek o- crete ee eae ee eee eee : WNieW Vatithkes = octet seers See Were Carolina. Oklahoma GTEC Hee te ee hs See ae Penney iva. ook =e woes eae PUN OGG Melani os Ae eee tee rc SOM OnsT ONS da tas cH eek MorinGRsap spree tt re ee ot Xue eed eae heme eae RRs oots Utah_- 2.2 WR Se MS ei at eet ee ACRIDINE Saas Ae ree, 2 ee Weehingion Pee ae cate as apt gta WHOS0. Varottiae. cl sweet st wee kere a WAL SGOHS19) tae eatens (ete cae aware NP EME ee aa toa Ae Sa ee 4,878 | 42,132 | 8,621 | 62,208 | 32,794 | 335,344 | 6,561 , 14,398 Taste 44.—Narcotic Drugs anp Preparations Sxizep py Narcotic Orricers or tHe Bureau or Interna, REVENUE iN THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE Narcotic Laws, YEAR ENDED June 30, 1926, By Starses Opium Morphine Heroin Cocaine Other. drugs Total State Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains | Ounces | Grains MSTA es Se CAG Gk a Ze eens et es 14 Milaskeys hwo ok oss oie ned ce eer eae ne 358 PATARORG EO iol e bec a Se ee emer eeaieree 224 ATER SHS Ce oP ee le aT Aa neta k ee a ee 388 AIOE eels CULAR ea a ee a Rca 2 322 GIOT AM Oss Be oo ee Re ie eR Ce 293 COnnechicnt £3 uch cs et ee ae ee ot 56 Disihict Gl Columbiges io ee Ae eee ea 405 PLOT Ae simak 8 Hak Ss pe ant hs eg ate oa 301 GChCOR Es oe ec ce eeu ae eke A 429 PEL CIA aR to, oa Antec 9m Cote Li ian Ae ve CR ee 10 WAN =A Abe stent eel. cu Be ye coe te 173 SILC ETE aR SRE BST See RCE am SINC RCM NCDP Soe T a BPAY PB Mee 85 Tse eet eee Nia Oe rk te sae a a eRe 199 EDL NS ii iA aA SORES REC Sse Ca SL 7m Ek See 67 EQNS eo Sie eal, SRR i pa ho Apa AGO ap a 318 HSC RG yn aig SAC a ee BREN

5 oy 3 a ® Eas St a 3 q Bae | Gh) ey | Bop een (Seed ee |B | Bo | By Bo Sy go | Se i fees | Sys] Bo) Bel Sree ire Ay pS & Ra A > B S oD & S oS fats en keg re ark ES oes 166 VO io ee wad a 4 BA pos. See 1 14 17 166 170 aUcnIsh neat ets 2 ois nee eis ee ee 917 ) 1,825 |} 126) 26) 115 )____) 141] 408 eo dee lake 47 43 89 917 | 1,325 Washington... 312 521) 1382 9 19} 1 48 |} 209 ZAI hea Fas i oa ce eae 17 15 312 521 West Virginia_ 463 548 | 44 |__o 22} 1 18 85 S828 eae 12 31 27 463 548 Wisconsin. _.._... ; 486 506 Seale SP bisa 5 9 20 378 eh tes 24 27 52 486 506 Wiereaier eee ete een oe 100 107 Bales ade 4 7 54 alee 13 21 8 100 107 Ee ys Sot Se a ae 29, 917 |39, 822 |4, 835 | 189 |1, 744 | 54 |8,083 |9, 905 (23,506 | 223 | 12 11,409 11, 965 (2, 802 |29, 917 (39, 822 él 13 TaBLe 46.—Fiscat Resuuts of THE ENFORCEMENT oF THE Narcotic LAws AND AGGREGATE Sentences Imposep, YEAR ENpEp June 30, 1926, By States Aggregate of sentences imposed Number State ‘ of cases Total Number Total in which | amount of of con- Years |Months| Days | amount of| com- com- victions fines promises! promises were accepted accepted ANQpomde ac cries SS one 79 113 7. [ste oee $3, 015. 00 21 $900. 00 27 6 9 27 | See eee ee 1 100. 00 24 20 S.\Sor ee 1, 026. 00 4 210. 00 15 1d: 7 6 200. 00 98 3, 771, 50 440 6786s ese es 34, 822. 00 5 1, 175. 00 56 27 3 6 9, 400. 00 101 10, 679. 50 31 33 6 4 925. 00 22 880. 00 Poa Sara Soe sas] 1 oo eee eee eee 6 255. 00 53 100 On| ee kes 2, 300. 00 12 889. 00 63 52 10 1, 025. 00 40 2, 565. 00 120 116 1 10 1, 301. 00 98 5, 067. 65 397 1e6E eee 21, 148. 00 2 110. 00 4 aA regres T5000 shes ee saeee| oo oe oe ee 306 911 7 3} 39, 450. 00 95 6, 016. 00 eratin conn ct oat so oe 29 26 10 5 5 79 8, 160. 00 owas sce. es be Soka a 31 Don Shen og 2 1, 600. 00 73 2, 418. 25 WCOTISDSE te oe Sauk cette coe 16 11 7 2 2, 400. 00 56 5, 088. 75 ACONUHORY 240 oan 2 a a LS 91 92 11 6 2, 100. 38 2, 225. 00 TOUS nits he sao eet Ps 160 178 7 22 4, 300. 00 19 555. 00 AY RE ey Spee dS Se es 9 3 5 MT Al ce Mien a ORL 9 0. 00 INT eats oo - Set ne as 59 73 2 W happiest oe 20 306. 00 Massachusetts__......--.....-- 78 59 6 8 1, 775. 00 56 3, 887. 00 Wiehicatiede ene ou eco ke ee 200 184 2 5 6, 250. 00 1, 085. 00 IMNMOSOL AY taco U eet Se Wenedee See ‘47 246 6 17 | 21, 700.00 69 2, 300. 50 AVSSISSIP Dieu os tba cle 31 76 becuse 5 600. 00 17 706. 25 ISO GL ad hey i enh oe te 303 311 6 29 | 30,300. 00 139 12, 041. 25 VEOH Ue she seca bes ool SS 65 100 3 24} 14,495.00 7 310. 00 Wobtasida. sits sis ooo hae 62 V7 7 8 1, 400. 00 20 1, 280. 00 INCOME) aoe oe Tone ra eS an Oe 10 2 6 lsuaseees 725, 00 1 10. 00 New Hampshire........------.- 5 3 bel aie 1, 050. 00 9 300. 00 MNTEWAFCPSON a ucowls Soudcbneapec ck 89 119 6 22 800. 28 1, 000. 00 INOW WV) PRiCOeccees eae oo eee 5 4 9 Sloane M1 420. 00 INIOW. OT Keseeter a wee ag Se ata 707 1; 034 6 15 | 79,896. 00 82 5, 162. 50 North Carolina....-.-.-.-.2_--- 60 4 14 3, 325. 00 42 1, 158. 30 INOnTH eo Wothke tien Se US 5 2 5 es 75. 00 15 426. 00 OBIGEy ete Or See 185 246322 ee 25 2, 225. 00 53 5, 686. 00 Om ahomiis -ceesc- oes noua ses 145 332 2 27 | 31,326.00 89 , 700. 00 (OT okt) a ua ES BRR RCS Ra 69 60 9 2 7, 061. 00 15 1, 900. 00 BEDS VV AIC cara bee se acces 224 189 7 16 4, 630. 00 126 15, 080. 00 inoGesrsInnG osesa=o 2 ceo ke 12 NG oceans 2 605. 00. 7 170. South Carolina........--------- 16 21 1 5 6, 150. 00 44 4,161.00 South Dakota_.........--.-__.- 3 is ee ee eee 1, 200. 00 17 265. 00 PPOnNOSSEC. so ee 111 245 8 10 14, 875, 23 73 38, 677. 00 WRENN Scie = eno ol gl Ot ars 253 288 9 24 8, 244. 00 124 8, 917. 00 beer eet tn meee te ce 22 16 Oylzsco oso 1, 250. 00 12 1, 330. 00 VGrimOnie os k es Cel SES ew ene eee fae eee (oh e NE aa. | oet so etane 14 375. 00 Wigmalaee see ce a eee 188 118 11 3 750. 00 43 6, 105. 00 Was tingtOles 2c cc. eecen ee 133 219 10 17 7, 503. 00 18 4, 530. 00 West Virginia..........--.-..-- 55 129 6 3 1, 675. 00 32 1, 300. 00 WVUSCONSIN Sao ea poee eee il 3 2 25 2, 680. 00 27 940. 25 MOMERM psec eae on Seen BOs, Ser) os lee S| oN ale 00 21 880. 00 Motalecuicee coe ee! 5, 058 6, 797 il 10 | 374, 677. 23 2,019 | 144, 054. 70 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY V