“U, Se Public Health Service Hospitel, Lexington, Eentucky. October 2, 1936.. Dr. Lloyd H. Ziegler, Albany Hospital, Albany, New York. Dear Dr. Ziegler: I have your letter of the 30th concerning a certain woman pa- tient who is in need of treatment for drug addiction and I regret to advise that we do not treat women here. It was an oversight neglect on the part of persons who laid out the Narcotic Farm pros @reme There has been some talk of building a unit here or somewhere else for the treatment of women but as yet nothing has been od about it. It seems, however, that some provision should be for women addicts as we have had a number of inquiries from patients such as yours and it is rather unfortunate that they do not have some place to go where they can be treated free or at the moderate cost of $1.00 per day,which we charge here. This charge, by the way, is weived in the case of patients who send affidevits to the effect that they are indigent, As to brains from dementia praecox patients, you may rest aseured that I will send you any that we might get here but the prospects for euch a brain are rather slim as we do not have many psychotic cases and, as you know, the dementia praecox cases have a way of living a long times I’m sorry that Pepper is sick. It reminds me that our dog is quite an interesting animal, although sometimes a nuisance, but | everyone likes him in spite of it, or rather because of it. He likes to jwap up on your lap and lick your nose or ears. He also eats all the gloves, hats, and things of thet kind that he can get hold off © ae We are going to have here at the hospital a meeting during “Petober, one feather of which will be a symposium on drug addiction, ‘to which members of the local medical society and others are invited. This particular meeting will be on OCetober 15 and while I don't suppose you have time to attend it we would be pleased to have you do a0. ‘With kindest regards to you and Mrs. Ziegler, Sincerely yours,