oer U. &,. Narcotic Farm, Lexington, Kentucky. April 18, 1936. Dr. Lloyd H. Ziegler, Darroch Road, Delmar, New York. Dear Dr. Ziegler: I am pleased tc know that you are coming by Lexington on your way to St. Louis. Mrs. Kolb suggests that you bring Mre. Ziegler along and let her stay here until you return. We believe that she would enjoy the trip and whet might be seen in this neighborhood. I also expect to go to St. Louis but have not yet received my orders. It is provable that I will have to be there before May 6 because I am expected to discuss a paper and be present at a round-table conference on drug addiction. However, this need not interfere with your trip at all, as I could be with you here on the 4th and arrange to have you sent down to Berea on the Sth. It is not far from here. I agree fully with what you say about Adolph Meyer and have always thought very highly of him in spite of repeated statements by others that his writing is difficult to understend. One thing about his writings is that he always says something. I believe I told you that Lawrence was very much impressed by Meyer and reported that he had no difficulty whatever in eA understending whet he was driving at. | | Ne Charles may study medicine yet. It may not be what he was cut out for but I am sure that if he ever made up his mind to apply himself that he could carry off honors et most any school. He elready has quite an extensive knowledge of psychology and is interested in such things but I feel that he got frustrated in his science studies by having been started above the funda-— mentals. Nevertheless, he does have a philosophy of life that is not suited to grinding work. Since our voluntary patients can go without restrictions my trouble with them has been less than a great deal. I formerly spent a good part of my time trying to smooth out situations caused by the restraint they were under and in convincing them that they were not the best judges of when treat- ment was adequate. Alexander Lambert, who advocated and sold to the medical world two of the worst treatments for drug addiction that were ever invented, namely, the Towne-Lambert and Narcosan Treatments, is now talking about the virtues of Rossium. Rossium is, however, not harmful; it is just useless. It prob- se ably has the merit that any hypnotie or sedative would have in the wi th- drawal of opium. I have just returned from a trip to Mew Orleans and Orenge Park, Flgride. I had never been to New Orleans before and the place was, of course, interest~- ings My purpose in going there was to interview the Parole Officer, the District Attorney and the Pederal Judge so as to get them acquainted with the functions of this Farm in relation to the desirability of having addicts placed on probation and sent here instead of being sentenced. While there I also made it a point to see something of the towmm. It is well worth a visit. I visited our leper institution at Carrville, Louisiana, which is about GO miles up the river from New Crleans. It is an interesting place. One never knows or remenbers about the disease or anything else very well until they actually see it and in my one day's stay at Carrville I learned a great deal about leprosy. One thing that impressed me was the number that go blind presumedly due to a paralysis of the ne¥ve supplying the muscle thet closes the lower eyelid Many of then have lost the distal phalanges and many have paralytic gaits due, of course, to the anesthetic type of leprosy. Tf understand that about 20 per cent of the lepers who comesthere heve a renis- sion and are discharged but some of these retum again. As to its infeeticus- ness there have been a number of instances where a number of the same fanily have been there. In one case that I was shown six had passed through, I be- lieve, starting with the grandfather. No employee hes ever been infected at Carrville. OES eg | My purpose in visiting Orange Park was to see the work being done at the Yale laboratories of Primate Biology station there. This is in charge of Dr. Yerkes and under him Dr. Spragg has started to give morphine to two chimpanzees, It is an interesting plece to visit and aleo Orange Park is rather beautifully located on the St. John's River. A division of this labor- atory is in New Haven and Dr. Yerkes spends part of the year there. The proposed ship canal across Florida will utilize part of the St. John's River and the natives in that section are naturally anxious for it to be built as they feel that $160,000,000 might be useful, Let me know more definitely about your plens when you fomulate them. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, Lawrence Kolb, Medical Director, Medical Officer in Charge. LKigp