ca =. Ds, Professor of Psychology at the Albany Hospital, iene, U. &. Nereotic Farm, Lexington, Kentucky. The Surgeon General, U. Se Public Health Service, Washington, De Ce Attention: Division of Mental Hygiene. Sir: I received a Letter some time ago from Lioyd By Gie New York, asking whether there was any limitation on the number of voluntary patients that are to be sent to this Hospital from Albany County end stating that he had been advised that Abbany County had been alloted one patient. I replied to the effect that so far as I knew there had been no limitation on any county or section of the United States. He enclosed a letter from Mr. Leo M. Doody, Commissioner of Publie Welfare from which the follow- ing is quoted. "In an effort to correct my own apperent ignorance in the matter and to be possibly of some assistance to yourself, I today checked with the local U. S. Narcotic Agent, Mr. Kelly, end I learned from him thet the district of which he is Agent comprises twenty-three counties and thet he has received instructions from his superiors that the allotment from these twenty-three counties is eight patients. This, of course, is considerably less than one patient per county. I further learn that only the better type of petient will be considered for admission where it is presumed or believed that there is a reasonable chance for a cure.” It is believed that the information received by Mr. Doody from U. &S Narcotic Agent Kelly probably hes reference to instructions or suggestions issued relative to probationer petients. It is re- quested that this office be advised in the matter so that we cen give Dr. 4iegler definite informetion and elso have this infomation on file for reference. Respectfully, Lawrence Kolb, Medical Director, Mediesl Officer in Cherge. LK:gp