rN VONDERLEAR Doctor ReAsVonderlehr Seales : Cobb, Irel ands Dear ae Vonderlehes : I congratulate you on your pleasant voyage and your serious | ing of the problem before you as indicated by your letters I hope thet 2 may be able to throw some light on the questions » you ask but they have to do with a problem about which there must always be some vagueness of definitione This is because of the numerous factors that influence the performance of mental aa CC eee I am inclosing a shebt containing two sets of definitionse Our regulations governing medical Anapentian of aliens contain another set which is goods "Moron" a¢ used in America is synonymous with feeblemindedness, thet is with the grades above idiocy and imbesility, but “noron" - ghould net be used in a certificate because the tion lew. does not mention ite “Moron” is merely an American word applied to the higher grades of feeblemindedness and it can be ignored, but it should be borne in mind that the word always means : pres promi ary Baik grcapareacagningrintt ad pai ge lige Skew sr atupidity that is not so severe as to be clagsed as i "wental deficiency" when used in medical readings always means some grade of foeblemindedness wiless the words specifically refer to a deficiency brought about by deterioration, such as occurs in cerebral arteriosclerosis, senile dementia, paresis, etc. | In these instances the deficiency constitutes @ psychosis or one of the symptoms of ite However, the immigration law says that persons certified as mentally defective are to be excluded even though they do not come under the classification: insanity, idiecy, imbecility, or cavlalan parent oo er, adds a grade of deficiency 7 ons more intelligence : medieally class gradese If it does not do this it does nothing and the words are meaningless. i tah . a as grades, 4¢ is probable that the freners of the lew 4i4 not know what they were doing when they added this grades In other words, they did net understand that any medically recognized mentally defective ee ee ee ee ee ea ee eee ee ie then used for Seah onl aeh aaaaaek aor See teohariien: ; and its use obvieted the necessity of saying whether or not the ‘ease certified wes one that the p company should heave detected and for which they should finede There was no ee es ee ee eee nee ee bringing in the fecbleminded, otce ap nie: bul (hhaaes de annie Gettin ne 4 een ts oe tinue ha tee Gate SEK er Ah Oe ccmathbenaeh cookaemh catmuen Ue can Yes Tou mill find by eonstihhing Terman that about 2% of his cases fall within this range and he is — a 2 I want to strongly ¢ = been said about the intelligwnes s native inte. but that Terman's scale, and all Solis caseemtes es as an: ae Oe