V0qee TWX CODE NO LEX KY 477 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE MEDICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HOSPITAL March 22, 1951 Dr. Lawrence Kolb Medical Deputy Director Department of Mental Hygiene 1320 K Street Sacramento, California Dear Dr. Kolbs I am aware of the fact that you are about to retire again; in fact someone told me recently that you had already retired from California, in which case this letter, I pre- sume, will follow until it reaches you. In the January issue of THE NATIONAL SHERIFF, Mr. Anslinger writes under the heading “Crime and Narcotics" as follows: - "In a study we made of a considerable group selected at random from the records it was learned that the first arrest for offenses other than narcotic law violations preceded, sometimes by as much as 8 to 10 years, the time when narcotic addiction began. This confirmed a study conducted by the United States Public Health Service wherein the fact was very forcibly brought out that a criminal addict was, in the vast majority of cases, a criminal before he became addicted; in fact in 225 cases studied at that time, every criminal among them had committed crime before the use of nar- cotics was begun. “From our studies, it can definitely be concluded that drug addiction is one of the later phases of the criminal career of the addict (this study applied only to addiction to opium and its derivatives, and not to marihuana, which is frequently a prelude to crime)." He refers to your report of sane years ago entitled "Drug Addiction in Its Relation to Crime". I would like to have your comments on his interpretation of your data. a We have been plagued with many writers from various publi- cations, including INSIDE DETECTIVE STORIES and WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, doing stories on teen-age addiction. Professor — Maurer from the University of Louisville, who did the early work on the addict argot, and I have contracted with the Charles C. Thomas Publishing Company to do a book for their series AMERICAN LECTURES IN PUBLIC PROTECTION. I hope that you will be in a position to let us have your very valuable comment on some of the manuscript when we get that far along. Sincerely, vit tor H. Vogel, Medical Officer in Charge VHV: HHA