Philadelphia Mental Health Survey Committee October 9, 1941 Dy. Vietor H. Vogel U. 8. Public Health Service Hospital Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. Vogel: This is the first time I am going to turn down a job. It is not because I have any more sense than I used to have, but because I am so overwhelmed with work that I do not see my way clear to do an acceptable job on the book you and Dr. Maurer are writing. I assure you that I would enjoy going over your material and giving it what criticism and suggestions might seem appropriate, but this now seems imposaible because I do not have the time during the day and I find that at night, I cannot do effective work without bringing on too much mental fatigue. This — would seem to indicate that I may be getting oid. I congratulate you on the work you are doing and also give my congratulations to Mrs. Vogel. I want to read those articles as weil as the book. i i hope the transfer you have in mind goes through because I am sure that both you and the family will enjoy the detail abroad. I will keep the matter coniidential until it is finally confirmed. Mire. Kolb joins me in sending regards to all of you. Very truly yours, Lawrence Kolb, M. D. Executive Secretary LK:mjh