oe . fo i. bee TWX CODE NO LEX KY 477 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE = October l, 1951 MEDICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HOSPITAL Dr. Lawrence Kolb State Hospital Norristown, Pennsylvania Dear Dr. Kolb: Maurer and I have been making considerable progress on the beok. Within a few days we will have five or six chapters ready for your perusal if you are still willing to give us the necessary time. We would like very much to have your opinion. Please let me know, and confirm your address, so that I may send the material at once. After you return the material we will combine it with the remaining chapters now in preparation and send it all to Washington for clearance. Clearance for material to be published is extremely tedious now because the Administrator's office has to clear it as well as the PHS. About the same time we send the whole manuscript to the Service we will send you the remaining chapters for review. The increase of juvenile addiction and attending publicity, particularly my testimony over television at the Senate Crime Committee hearings, has greatly increased me work here, including demands for public appearances, writing, etc. I have a little article appearing in the October TODAY'S HEALTH, and a manuscript has been prepared by Mrs. Vogel and myself for early publication by Science Research Associates, Chicago, entitled FACTS ABOUT NARCOTICS, as one of their series of Life Adjustment Booklets. You are perhaps familiar with this series, the material for which is designed fer use at high school level. Each booklet is pub- lished with an accompanying Instructor's Guide. I am asking the publisher to send you a complimentary copy.. I have requested and expect to receive a transfer to the Paris office of the PHS in January. We have always felt rather cheated Since Dr. Treadway persuaded me not to go to Italy as planned in 1937, and the whole family is leoking forward to this assignment with much interest. The Paris office as you know supervises all Service activities in Europe, and the family undoubtedly will get te visit each of the countries outside the Iron Curtain at least once with me during our expected two-year tour. Our move is not yet known on the station, so in case you are writing to anyone here please do not mention it for a while. Neither is it known to the man in Paris now, in case you should happen te know him - I believe his name is Nelson. Sincerely, victor! i D. VHV: HHA Medical 0 zeae in Charge