PERSO NAL United States Public Health Service Hospital Lexington, Kentucky Walter L. Treadway, . Assistant Surgeon General, U. &S. Public Health Service, Washington, DBD. Cc. Dear Doctor Treadway : I have your letter concerning the taking of finger- prints of voluntary patients admitted to this institution, and Iam in agreement with the representatives of the General Counsel's office. We had been thinking of this matter for a long time before the Bureau of Investigation made the suggestion thet we send these finger-prints to them. After this matter was cleared up, 1 gave orders that the taking of finger-prints of voluntary patients should stop immedietely, and this has been done. If, after you come here, you decide it would be desirable to take a print of the index finger, as suggested in your letter, I believe that this would be alright provided this print was put on the clinical history and not on the regular finger-print card where it might at some time be available to law enforcement officers. I will see that your household goods are put ina Place where they will be readily evailable when you arrive. I look forward to seeing you in Prisco. Sincerely, Lawrence Kolb, Medical Director, Medical Officer in Charge.