U. & Nareotic Farm, Lexington, Kentucky. Asst, Surgeon General ¥, L. Treadway, Ue Ss Public Health Serviee, Washington, De Ce Dear Dr, Treadway? Referring to your personal letter of January 3, 1956, calling attention to the desirability of providing for more prisoner inmetes at the U, &, Nar~ eotic Farm, you are advised that « survey of the possibilities has been made here end a plan has been worked out for houging whereby we will be able to take 100 additional prisoners within the next month, It is our intention eventuelly to use nine ef the dayrcome in the con- tinucus treatment section for sleeping quarters and part of this spece will be utilized to teke oare of the 100 additional prisoners, As to tubercular pationte, we are now taking care of 13 such patients in one of the Hospital warde, ‘There are 14 more beds but it is considered a@esirable to hold in reserve about four bede te take care of a possible influx of a few patients from other sources or the lighting up of a latemt case among the population already here, If it is the desire of the Surenu for us to take ¢arw of as many as 30 tubercular petients from the Annex, it is request- ed that the matter be firet referred to this station so that we ean work out the housing solution if poseible without materially lessening the espacity of the Hospital for other types of patients, It ia requested thet the sending of different groupe of patients from the Annex be spaced about 10 days gpart so as te give us time to work then up end adjust living quarters for one group before the next one arrives. In connection with the sending of additional patients here, it is be~ lieved to be desirable for several reasons to have probationers rather than prisoners end it is hoped that the Bureau will approve of this and that the courts will cooperate ec as te bring it about. Respectfully, Lawrence Kolb, Wedieal Director, Medical Officer in Charge. LE:gp