— TREAVWRY f TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE OFFICE OF THE SURGEON GENERAL . IN REPLYING . WASHINGTON ADDRESS THE SURGEON GENERAL U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE November 15, 1921. PERSONAL Dr. Lawrence Kolb, Medical Officer in Change, U. Se Public Health Service Hospital Noi 37, Waukesha, Wisconsin. My dear Dr. Kolb: I saw Dr. Singer today and he informs me that a relative of a patient under treatment in your hospital had told him (Dr. Singer) that one of the doctors on your staff is selling oil stock to patients. The selling of securities to patients such ag those under treatment in your hospital by medical officers ig filled with so many potentialities for evil that I thought you would want to know about this and to make an investigation to determine the truth of these rumors. Will you please advise me by return mail regarding this situation. Sincerely, ur 4S WLT/AEG Chief of Section of Neuro-Psyd¢yiatry.