= S, Narcotic Parn, Lexington, Kenbucicy. October 3, 1935, » Asst. Surgeon General, ‘eulted. Santen Partie Health Service, Wahington, 1 Do. I have your letter of September 30, 1936, concerning the proposed conference here on Gatoter 16th, 16th and, possibly 17h to iron out difference } vir sepmoryh : be pleased to have the group hore for this purpose and also to reap ay benefit =e may be prougible from sugrestions they may Dr, Hisnolsbah @nve me last week with request for comuen’ & temecrint of on article by Dra. Nady, Howe and Beld on the effect of ‘athydrodesoxymorphine~D on aniowla. fT wrote Ain a uenorandum abouts thig and the whole thing was forwarded te your nee yesterday. You will note from it that I an an perfect agreement with your attitude about thie drug and it is especially gratifying to me that I wae able to express my feeling before I knew what your attitade waa. To pat thie drug out with eren a gugcestion that it may mot be addicting would be little short of a crime. In my opinion, the experimente that this group have done on animals prove that it ie addicting and more so than heroin. I feel from my reading of the article in question that the group ls unconsciously trying to put over on inference that conflicts with thelr owi findings. Vary truly yours, “once Kolb, Metical Director, Metical Offieer in Cha