First U. S. Narcotic Farm, September 19, 1935. Dr. W. L. Treadway, Awst. Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service, Washington, De C. Dear Dr, Treadway: Replying to your personel letter of September 16, 1935, concerning the possibility of making garments here on sub-contracts from the Bureau of Prisons, you are advised as follows concerning our situation. We have not yet got in all the material necessary. For instance, we do not have any pattern paper, but this has been ordered. We do not heave any white menila detail paper for drafting and designing, for which proposals have been sent out. Onee before, no bids were received. When this material is received we could start doing saething., I have dis- cussed this whole matter with Dr. Ossenfort, Mr. Bierman and Mrs Brown~ stein, our teilor, and the conclusion is that we can begin operating iy as soon as the necessary material is reeeiveds It is noted that Mr. Bennett will furnish us raw material and I am wondering whether this includes thread. We have ordered a small amount of thread but all of it has not been reeesived. I, of course, assume that the raw material that Mr. Bennett will furnish includes all trimmings, mich as lining, etc. . As to the type of clothing that we could manufecture, it is believed that we should start on rough types until a certain nuweber of inmate per sonnel in our teilor shop are trained. Ye suggest clothing such as over- alis, work shirts that are worn around institutions, ete. Later on after the personnel is trained we could start work on suits. If we get the material and thread, including the pattern peper, etes, we could start in a snall way immediately and would in a short time be able to give some definite information as to just how much it will be possible to turn out, It would be inadvisable to czive us a large order for suits right off as an unavoidable delay might cause irritation all eround. I am assuming that the materiel now on hand such as cloth trimmings, thread, ete. would not be used in making clothing for Mr, Bennett but definite information about this is desired. We, of couse, want to ve- gin the manufacture of uniforms for our Attendants as soon as material for them is received. Experience gained in this work will be useful when we begin to make suits for Mr. Bennett. “Be Ag to the: patter paper at might be advisable if you want us to start right away to have Mr. Bennett send us some along now. It is assumed that this should really be a part of our equipment and that we should furnish it, but with the way things have been coming in there is no telling how lohg before « our reguler supply will be re~ coilved. Very truly yours, Lawrence Kolb, Medical Director, : Medical Officer in Charge LKigp