December 6, 1927. Dre Carleton Simon, The Blackstone, 50 East §8th Street, New York, Ne Y« Dear Doctor Simon: I am greatly surprised to hear that Lambert has been put on the com- mittee to investigate the merits of Narcosan and you and Harris have been ignored. Lambert will probably dominate it because he is filuent and it | would not be human to expect him to reverse himself. I would like to know the names of the other mene They may be good, but unless they have studied and had experience we drug aidioing it will be easy to mislead them. I said before that no investigation $hat tries narcosan against other forms of treatment except the so-call . rkey treatment will be of any values The patients should be treated exactly the same way except that every other one that comes in should get narcosan and every other one pinkish water, and all should believe that they are getting narcosan. The observations should be made by several impartial and unbiased physicians and not by persons who visit the place once a week te get reports from a biased, uncritical source. The chenical ined en of narcosan should be studied and Horowitz's original work, if he did any, should be gone over. He talks in several articles about what he found, but he gives only conclusions such as any one could give by sitting down at a desk and writing them out without doing any work at all. The dector I referred to in my last letter is Dre Scheib. I know that Seheib is not a physician, although he apparently doesn't completely know it. In any event, he apparently thinks there is something wrong with any physician who can not see the merits of narcosan. I hawe not yet talked with McCoy or the Surgeon General about your sug- ‘gestion as to ~ separate investigation, bit I rather think their attitude would be that merit or demerit of nostrums are things that the Bureau of Chenistry was created to determine and that there is no real reason for the Ca he y ee ON a4 ¥ ard. iw SS - a ~« 2 iw Public Health Service to prove that narcosan is a fraud, even though it is known to be sos I think, however, that the Service would lend aid to an investigation such as is being carried out in New York if requested to do #0, and would even detail me for the wrk. The Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Associge tion, as you know, passes on drugs and if Horowitz is honest enough to want the truth, he would be willing to submit narcosan to them for considerations I suggest that you and Dr. Harris make this suggestions It will at least cause the narcosan people to show their colors. : You doubtless know that the As Ms As turned down Lambert and Tilney's article that was later published in the Medical Journal and Records You might write to Fishbein and tell him what is going on. He may be interested. An article showing the uselessness of narcosan appeared in Colorado Medicine for November. If you can not get this, I will engage to have a copy made and sent to youe I do not know whether or not I will be able to get to lew York before Christmas. I will try to make it, because I wuld like to talk to you and Commissioner Harris about the situation as has been suggested. Very truly yours, Lawrence Kolb Surgeon . Lx/VEMt