50 EAST 587 STREET NEW YORK CITY CABLE ADDRESS MANAGER’S OFFICE : December 2, 1927 BLACKOTEL NEW YORK My dear Dr. Kolb:- I received your letter but did not. want to answer it becfore I had something definite, especially as it required no immediate reply. What you wrote me interested me although you wrote in one line using the title Doctor in front of Schleths name. He is not a doctor but simply a Warden. fe affects a phi@moians maniér ism by -wearing a beard and talking scientific things qufte glibly. He seems to be more interested in Narcogarn than appears upon the surface. Personally he is not a bad person quite aimicable and may mean well, but he is connected in some way with the narcosarn crowd ,and is to that degree a spokesman. He told a friend of mine who transmitted the message to me that when he went up to see the State Commissioner of Health Nichols last year when there was such a roar about the use of this supposed remedy, that he won over Nichols to his way of thinking. For that reason it does not surprise me to note that Nichols among others such as Lambert were appointed to look into the situation here. Of course it means a white-wash for Lambert and Narcosarn in general. Otherwise both Dr. Harris and myself surely would have been asked to join the committee, Dr.ffarris feels real peeved and put out that he was added to the Committee especially when the State Commissioner of Health was asked and this is a local sup- posed survey. Some of the men appointed are good men but will readily be guided by those who have the axe to grind. As to myself I am not egotistical to so state but you will agree that my work has made been of such a nature as to make me to 4 degree national known as a narcotic expert. But my hide is thick and I see through the motive and the reasone I had a good talk with Commissioner “Harris end he wants you and I to have a conference with him upon certain matters so if you can see your way clear in the mkgm very near future to run over let me know. It seems to me that it would be igily gratifying to have a few others, your Department at least make an independant investigation. Jf you think it possible I will run over to Washington and talk with Dr. Mc.Coy or with @eneral Cumming relative to this angle. If it is a nostrum, the makkk medical profession should mowit. If it is good then lets all kmow ite I wonder how Fishbein of the Ae M. Ae Journal stands upon this matter and if someone has put him wise. Let me hear from youe . Sincerely yours, , EAtrDanr