@e not knows He knew that there was @® move on feot to apr Novesber 11,1927 Dector Carlton Simon 50 EB S8th Street New Tork —e Dear sastae Simon: i am pleased witis your report on the radio talk ok the article you published in the Police Journmle i think that the medical _ soutas gion should not link itself with prepaganda that apparently — = its object the moking of ee of otherse As to the ‘Beronbee I did not or time ‘veld you before that while in New York 1 vieited the narootio headquarters, beth federal and city, and they seemed very much enamored with ite The eity people insisted on my going over to Welfare Island, which I dide Warden Schleth was very courteous and also very emphatic about the virtues of Narcosanue I looked through tho wards with Doctor Scheid, but regrained from expressing any opinion to them as to the ~ wirtues of thié druge 1 told Schleth it would not be scientifie for me to do so on what £ had seen and this made him leughe He seems to think that all destors are foolae I, however, complimented Sehleth on his management of the plese and wrote him a letter when I came hom thanking him for hie cowrtesiese It is my opinion that he is treating addicts better now than he did before but this da because the treatment before was abomineblee I, however, did not tots him thise I visited federal headquarters after + dense Sehleth and told them that in my opinion Nercosen was just plein “eold turkey" but that Sehleth was getting better results than he formerly got because ee oe ee ee time a doctor came nears Whether Sehleth will be favorable to me te be on the somnittes T the investigating committees It is my opinion thet ig such a ys committee is appointed the matter should be handled as follows: Phere should be # reddish pa the color of Hareosan, and known to be entirely innocuouse The patients that come in should be taken in order, one given this drug end one given narcosans In all ether respects they should be treated exactly the semes Some competent person should make observations on them, and even the nurses in the ward should not know which were getting Narcosen and which were getting the other preparations Ore would be entireiy futile te treat some patients with Jarcosan and some with, say the Towne-Lambert treatment or the hyoseine treatment becauso it is doubtful what effeot these treatments have, and you went to check Narcesen egninat the “eold turkeys. j trontnonte Schleth told me that 10% of the sareeenn eases had returned for trentuent against 70% previously, but he has not taken account of the fact that the 10% covers only a period of about fourteen months whereas the 70/4 gos back over yoarse With kindest rogerdss 7 Sincerely yours, Lkeng | ficou