DR.CARLETON SIMON S50 EAST S8TH STREET THE BLACKSTONE NEW YORK TELEPHONES: REGENT } {foes November 7, 1927 My dear Dre Kolb:~ Your handwriting and my own cre somewhat similar, hard to decipher and it is no wonder you got Dr. James T. Maddens eddress wrong. He lives at Pawling, Ne Ye In a few days the Police Journal will com out and publish my radio talk, which I @ ve last saturdsy night. I did not mention Hobsons name but assailed the propagandists for trying to alarm the public and said that school-children addicts were myths. I also denied the great number of addicts but said they estimated abcut 30,008, When you get it you will find ita sane and logical talk, for after all you and I know the game and mov how mich exageration haw taken places I also spoke of duplication of police arrest and how the great number sometimes and usually was a repitition of the rearrest of the same individual. I did this to show how the Buimistedxs calculated number of addicts may also be discounted if taken from records. What however is more to the point I had a very confidential talk with Com. Harris of the N. Y. Depart of Health and counselled him te leave Hobson alone as it seems pressure was brought upon him to talk on the Hobson platfoimm.-. fo the great credit of Dr. Hubbard of his department it may be Said that he agreed with me, even though not knowing my attitude, the con- versation teking place over the phone and then Harris took my view-point. I have furnished him from my files the row that the 1. M. A. Jounral or rather the attitude that the Journal took toward Hobson. So I won something against your enemy and am glad xexatx of it. By the way it seems that there is going to be a committee appointed(to white-wash, this is what I surmise) to investigate Narcosarn and the condition of narcotic affairs in Nl ze Cne of these men are Dr. Lambert, the other already selected is Dr. Nichols? State Depart cf Health who by the way has already been approached by Warden Schleth and whose conversion to Nercosarn I heard Schleth proundly boast. Se the cat is already in the bag. This Harris knows and xtm it would not suprise me if Harris beat the appointment. of this Committee and appointed his own and I have suggested your name, that of Dr. Hubbard and my own as a committee of three. Harris is going to think over the mattere Please donot intimate that you know anything of this plan to anyone or even later if this plan goes through. In the event that he determines about his matter fevorably he will kwexxx no doubt write Surgeon General Cumming direct asking for your services. Personally I thin it would be « wonderful thing for then we could get the real truth about the whole mtter and not be forced to accept a political expedimaey. I only hope that Harris can or will be able to carry cut this idea. sincerely yours,