— DrR. CARLETON SIMON 50 EAST 58TH STREET THE BLACKSTONE NEW YORK TELEPHONES: REGENT { ccs October 18, 1927 My dear Dr. Kolb:= First of all I wish to congratulate you upon the article, reprint of which you sent me a few weeks agoe It was comprehensive and very fine. I forgot to mention it in my last letter to you due to the stress of other thoughts. © As far as Hobson is concerned, the enclosed letter of Oct 8th ¢ poth letters which you can return, the other being a broadcasting request) was the tirst news I had of the projected conference. I called upon the editor whom I know or rather had met once or twice and I told him of the danger of appointing me as a delegate, stating that the Hobson crowd would use my name as giving:support to his movement upon the literature of the Conference in those who were present. What I suggested was to keep my neme out of it and that I go there simply as an expert for them to write a critical review of the proceedings for his Journal. I actually counselled him not to mix up at all in the matter and questioned the wisdom of my even going theree Upon this I desired your attitude and counsel. I did promise to speak on the radio, the Fifth of Novemeber upon the narcotic question, feeling that this gave me angopportunity to correct any outstanding statement of this conference as it would’fractically at the Glose of the conference and absolutely independant of it? especially as I understand that the Hobson crowd would radio frequently as a symposium upon the Hotel Roosevelt radio station, the name of the station this minute I can- not recall, but my talk of fifteen minutes will be on annther station not used by theme . Next Friday or Friday of this week I expect to speak for a few minutes before the Ne Y. Confederation of Womens Clubs and I am going to mention the school children addicts, which is the Hobson propaganda and am going to offer a hundred dollars fuxrxuyergxeagse to go to charity for every case or any case that may be presented to me in person, not heresay, of any school-child found to be an addict. In short I am going to challenge such propaganda . Dont you think this is a good idea ??? The Depart- ment of Education enrolling yearly over 1,000,000 school children of all grades have not upon record a single instance nor have they one upon record. I also met Prof. Chamberlain of Columbia who is going to the Hobson Conf. but who told me he is going there to use them to get them to support his hobby and that is universal state narcotic laws independant of the Harrison Lawe I told him thathhis name would be used and thus delude others in the belief that he wassupporting Hobson but he took the attitude that he had something to put oVer of material benefit and the method justified tha what he was after. I think something should be done to offset, the wave of hysterical mis-statements of facts which pervades the entire subject all the way from Hobson to narcosarn and other fakese Sincerely yours, Ore ee