October 21,1927 Dector Carlton Simon 80 E 58th Street New York Citys | Dear Dector Simon: — I think your idea that Rabees will toe fer yeepngenta purpeses the neue and prestige of everyone who attends his conference is truee Nevertheless, you my in your oritical review of the prosesdings give information that thoughtful people would not otherwise gete Thia would doubtless offset any advantage the propagandists would gain by publishing the fact that you attended the conferences Sane Adee of Lhe vette tothe abd the talk > the eaters of Glee Clubs is to my mind very goode I do not think that it is necessary to mislead the people in order to make them reciate thet drug addiction — is a harmful thing that ought to be contro In fact, I believe the ealck talidean eee lata Linteel,, ak Sas commas tee toe enon — children are being addicted, and that someone my have g1 a drug into the andy end apples that they °st in order to addict + is ronan harmful to the emotional balance of beth parents and 7 ‘one Of course, such atatements are dishonest because they are know te be false end are doubtless intended te be profiteble to the authors of thems All things considered, it would be a very comnendable act. . for you to give to the wawe the fasts about the schosl shilires sttunttons : imeow of no one better qualified te do 4% than you eres | I I wnder if Professor Chaaboriain inows that ai bub threes or poset ly B= eee already have narcotic laws, and that cone af these lame more drastic then the Harrison Lawe 1 hope to be in low York within « wook or ton days cod, of course, will want to talk with you while theres 2 Sinserely yours, _ Leawrenee Kolb, I