Descember 25,1926. Dector Carleton Simon 60 East 68th Street The Blackstone New York, NeYe Dear Dector Simons I want to congratulate you on your stand on Narcosan as outlined in the Evening Post of December 176 Every informed person whe has a benevolent interest in the addiction problem will thank you for the effort you have made to spike this latest attempt to exploit the misfortwe of addictse The clever advertisement that AeSelorovitz ag %o get in the newspapers in the form of news should, ¢ think, be sufficient to put all thinking people on their guard against hime This cenviewbn whose wonderful romedy it is now claimed lay unnoticed for about oix years beceuse he wag not a physician, nevertheless signed himself as a physician in several articles he wrote on addiction about six years agoe The articles in question advenced theories and made claims but were in substence mere piffles Lambert and Tilney doubtless regret the abuse of their article by MreHorovits, but the article itself wes, I think, rather remarkables The authors edvanced a theory about the cause of withdrawal symptoms thet has been abundantly disproved and they make wonderful claims about the magioal effects of Narcosan in the very paper in which they tell you thet one person in 364 died under tre: tment and numerous others wore saved from collapse due to acidosis bigarbonate of stdas describe patients reseiving thie treatment as having all of the wi ,eueh as vomiting, diarrhea, pains, ctcs« that we know are comion in all forns ef rapid withdrawal treatments. whe . The fact about, treatment, that 2 gather from their article is thet it is just plain cold turkey, which as you know ig widely used and is often effective for the time beinge dust why they emphasize that addicts wider this treatment regain their appetite and begin to gain veight © in the face of the fact that addicts do the same thing « few days after withdrawl by any other form of treatment, I am at a less to umderatande Perhaps e later pronouncement by them will straighten out thie difficultys © eve Seek naked ineut an Bovecnnn Seeotenn te ehition in and have been told of two who returned from Wellfare metas where they received this treatment, and promptly relapsede The doctor who does not Imow that the defect that widerlies inebriety ean not be removed by drugs may tenporarily fasten on to some supposedly — magics) remedy for it- but experience should teach that the drunkerd Will return fer solace to his whiskey and the addict to his drugs wmtil age or @ change in personality removes their abnormal impulses or until the lew makes it so imteresting for them that they find mere comfort in sobriety than in intemperandes Very truly yours, 7 Lawrenve Kolb, LKkegel : Surgeons :