a rm ur articks OFFICE OF ‘MEDICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE i bon G0,/9 26 A: furor | ik et r apt ie or eke Cc | a | ee TREASURY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE American Embassy, 5 rue de Chaillot, Paris, September 27, 1928, Personal Surgeon Lawrence Kolb, U. S. Public Health Service Care American Consulate General Dublin - Irlande Libre. My dear Doctor Kolb: Acknowledgment is made of your personal letter of the 24th instant with regard to your tentative plans. I am entirely in ignorance of the scope of your orders and have to ask whether you are authorized to travel on instructions from this office, As the situation now stands at Warsaw I can see no great benefit to you or to the work on hand for you to proceed to that place before the arrival of Dr. Kempf, and before plans have been perfected for the appearance at the Consulate of a number of applicants the Bureau wishes to be re-examined. Some of these individuals live quite a distance from Warsaw and must pe directed by letter to report at the Consulate General on spe- cified dates. Your sugeestion of a preliminary conference with Doc- tor Treadway and myself is a good one. Indeed, I wrote the Bu- reau some time ago suggesting that both you and Dr. Kempf pro- ceed to Warsaw via Paris. I deem it advisable to explain to you in detail the plans of Dr. Treadway and myself for the study of mental norms in the respective countries from whence immigrants proceed to the United States, and also to give you a dispassio- nate view of the Warsaw situation rather than that your first impression:should be obtained from the officers on duty at that station, whose views may or may not be tinctured by close asso- ciation. Unless your orders are urgent and you are in @ parti- cular hurry to proceed to Warsaw, I shall arrange to have Tread- way meet you at my office on a date that will be mutually agree- able. I shall be pleased to hear from you further regarding your plans and whether the suggested delay is agreeable. Very ee yours a ee