ny “ SFEVE —<.. tawteee C. Kolb, M. D. 6645<32nd Street, NW Washington 15, D. C. Dr. Maurice Seevers August 29, 1956 Department of Pharmacology University of Michigen Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan Dear Dr. Seevers: Growing hysteria about drug addiction that has led to monstrous legal and administrative excesses prompted me to write about it for a popular journal. I hoped by presenting simple facts to arouge public reaction that would hold a trend that threatens to carry us back close to the witch hunting area of several centuries ago, when so many mental patients and other helpless people were executed. As an example of the trend, a witness before a committee of Congress said in support Of a specially vicious bill "The language of the new Bill will enable us to trap an addict like a wild animal." I am sending the enclosed reprint te same leading physicians and other professional men throughout the country in the hope that the —" oriented en aculons The British method of dealing with drug addiction is well de~ seribed in a chapter by Jeffrey Bishop, a prominent London physician, in Marie Nyswander's book, "The Drug Addict as a Patient", Grune and Stratton, 1946. It is also described, in at least three other publi- cations available in this country. I have a letter from the Hone Office about it and I studied it off and on in England, 1928-31. There is no doubt about the successful, humane and effective British approach. They deal with oplate addiction as a medical problem with enly sufficient touch from law enforcenent authorities to prevent unnecessary physical addiction. Lawrence Kolb, Me. D. Enclosure > EK: jd