Ne SS al ™ ooo . a SAcMoON » te ind he National Gomimificer for fiental hygiene FOUNDED 1909 INCORPORATED 1916 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS ‘ EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ~— Dr. WILLIAM L. RUSSELL, CHAIRMAN Dr. WALTER B. JAMES DR. OWEN CoPP z PRESIDENT STEPHEN P. DUGGAN CHARLES W. ELIOT : OR. THOMAS W. SALMON, DR. WALTER E. FERNALD DR. BERNARD SACHS MEDICAL DIRECTOR MATTHEW C. FLEMING DR. WILLIAM H. WELCH DR. WALTER B. JAMES VICE-PRESIDENTS DR. FRAN KWOOD E.WI LLIAMS, Dr. GEORGE H. KIRBY Otto T. BANNARD DR. V. V. AN DERSON, COMMITTEE ON MENTAL DEFICIENCY TREASUPER ASSOCIATE MEDICAL DIRECTORS DR. WALTER E. FERNALD, CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CLIFFORD W. BEERS, COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION DR. CLARENCE J, D'ALTON SECRETARY. : Dr. C. MACFIE CAMPBELL, CHAIRMAN 370 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY July 14, 1921. Dr. Lawrence Kolb, Medical Director, U.S.Public Health Service Hospital Noed7, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Deer Dre Kolb: I have learned from a newspaper that a number of charges have been made against sae hospital aad that an investigation is underway. With the impressions of my visit to Waukesha with Dr. Williems, and Dre Anderson during the latter part of June fresh in my mind, i can only say that i am confident that an investigation will show that you and your staff have been attacking one of the most complicated problems of medicine in a spirit of scientific zeal and broad humanity. I am absolutely certain that if any abuses have occurred it has been due to causes beyond your control and that, irrespective of any investigation, your own high standards and those of the men associated with you would lead to their prompt and permanent eradication. Mentally disabled soldiers are suffering in many parts of the country through lack of care. It is to a hospital like yours that those who have the waltuns of these men at heart mist look for eblicaiandiag Shucteinl Sincerely yours, " TWS-K-D 5 Medical Director