je National Committee for ‘Mental Hygiene FOUNDED 1909 INCORPORATED 1916 ¢ é oe! 3 “EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : Sere neS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Dr. WILLIAM L. RUSSELL, CHAIRMAN Dr. WALTER B. JAMES I DR. GEORGE BLUMER PRESIDENT COLONEL THOMAS W. SALMON, M.C. DR. OWEN COPP t CHARLES Ww. ELIOT MEDICAL DIRECTOR On LEAVE 4 STEPHEN P. DUGGAN - Dr. BERNARD SACHS DR. FRANKWOOD E. WILLIAMS, Dr. WALTER E. FERNALD Dr. WILLIAM H. WELCH ASSOCIATE MEDICAL DIRECTOR MATTHEW C, FLEMING é VICE Lees RENTS CLIFFORD W. BEERS Dr. WALTER B. JAMES OTTO T. BANNARD SECRETARY Dr. GEorGE H. KIRBY ; TREASURER : COMMITTEE ON MENTAL DEFICIENCY FINANCE COMMITTEE : OR. WALTER E. FERNALD, CHAIRMAN ‘ DR. V, V. ANDERSON, PSYCHIATRIST DR. WALTER B. JAMES, CHAIRMAN 50 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY IN CHARGE OF THiS SPECIAL WORK MENTAL HYGIENE WAR WORK COMMITTEE Dr. CHARLES L. DANA, CHAIRMAN DR. DOUGLAS H. THOM, PSYCHIATRIST Dr. FRANKWOOD E. WILLIAMS, VICE- CHAIRMAN IN CHARGE OF RECONSTRUCTION WAR WORK June 9th, 1919. Dr. Lawrence Kolb, . U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Waukesha, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Kolb:- ; I was very glad indeed to learn of your selection as Officer in Charge of the Hospital for Neuroses at Waukesha. Dr. Thom told me of his pleasant visit with you. I sincerely hope that we can : be of assistance in the way that was suggested. I think that his practical experience in dealing with these cases would be very en- lightening. It is difficult to get the men who served in the Army to continue in any work of the same nature. A curious revulsion of feeling toward everything which has to do with ni Titers matters seems to be general among medical men. However, we are combing our lists very carefully to find men whom we can recommend to you for your staff. It is tremendously important that those with spec- ial experience should be selected. Lieut. Col. Colin K. Russell, of Montreal, Canada, who is in complete charge of all hospitals for neuroses there ie to give a paper at Atlantic City at the meeting of the American Neurological Association. It seemed to me so de- sirable that you should attend this meeting and see Dr. Russell and others who have worked on this problem in the A. HE. F. that I have taken the liberty to suggest to the Surgeon General your assign- ment. I would be very happy if you could attend a dinner which I would like to give for several who have been at work on the prob-_ lem of the neuroses among soldiers. Sincerely yours, | phn Medical Director.