Wen et ta aap, ae DreWiittan GeRucker “‘Medieal Officer in Charge | UsSellarine Hogpital fl4 New Orleans, Louisiana» PsiaiSte toute mon no rls = aca © _& form of — pene methine or sia that is brought in from Mexicoe You probably ‘iss bance ae Wate drug in the hospitel; if go, 1 would like to know how many within the past years It would be of interest to me to lmow whether the use of the drug by these patients ‘Wee continuous or merely a _ @poradic indulgence by sailors whe had visited Mexico » I would also like to hear of any effects you have observed ‘either of the use of the drug or or of the Shakeel of its ‘ yay | ae Leal yours, Lk-mg1 | tawpeinee Kolb,