Phipp Institute Jos Hopkins Hospital Baltimore Maryland« Dear Doctor Richards: In respome to your letter, 7 am sending you under separcte cover a govy of Reguietion 36 and a number of emendments, etes covering ee Regulation 36 ¢entalns the Harrison sarootte lnwp alse sone of the oitigs have special eismees narcotic lew; also some of the cities have special ardinances regulating the scle of narcobiess Public Health Bulletin Rite South caren Savor ity vee te ste rete em up thathat detes. sue Som peeiely oS Sey Se Wee © to the Government Printing Office Washingten,Dels = e tiers wit be ® gmall charge, possibly trenty-five contes The nest iapartent regulation ef nereetio addiction in the United States is by the Federal government through the mediun of the Harrison Laws _ The federal government has ne police powers in the statecand under the genstitution can not direetly regulate the preseribing of narcotiosy but the government doos it nevertheless through ite texing powers In other words, a tax is put en nereeticse Everyones who handles thon legally is licensed and regulations are made which says what these ——cee a assumed by the government after alle The state laws are based largely on the Horrison Lew with the exeeption thet they de net have te resort to a roundabout mans to do what want te dee By writing te the narcotic division of the Bureau of I,ternal Revenue, Washington, DeCe,you may be able to get copies of the various state narcotic lews, but 1 doubt ite In actual practice a large mumber of the staves really turn their regulating sayeth sane Be woth grein yagetlan Reig og They assist down violetors of their narcotic laws but turn ever Ghucuasdake sie Aekeeus covmbomiun dee erestantin wanes ae violators of their laws are really violators of the federal laws This dees not happen in all cages but- 1 believe that mest states ‘Twill sey, however, thet the lew has done and is doing a great aya ey Drasther lsRichards=2 solve the problem this waye Sane of the states have mere drestio . he ceeceee oe eet eee eee gee a eee oe ee oe . wae ee ee } | this powers N Ag to addic » thay went depend everyebore on pigebetons Be Vinte | doug end if tho physlelans Fetune $0 wecseribe for them they will gkther go without the drug or seoure it by illicit meanse Physici theoretically have the right to preseribe wider the Federal law | SU ics tics ak te he seca ie aa dae NK ; goverment r Sra Gah GOOLne Sdakeee mad sADAGte etburios wate taretesd | that presumbly require the continuance of their addictions these sristeauhen of addtetins shaaie’ tae sisieten oF tumianaen fs @atisfaction of addiction alones The position ef physi . wneertain under the Pedere] jaw thet many of them fear to x nereotics for addicts whem they really think neod ite ices” Tt de that a considerable maber of oases are allowed to euffers nh, ~ $f gaat Netwane 48 fan foreed « great many onane to be eured sad incidentally, has made the physicians much more carefule A few of the state laws are quite drastios Pennsylvania has quite & Comprehensive lew and a well organized reguletion bureaus It ie my opinion that addicts suffer legs in Pennsylvania than in other states beoauge the doctors there fee] more sure of their groumle Addicts in Penansylvenia ere registered with the Buroau of Nercotic Drug Control and doctors have permigsion from this burceu te prescribe when the eane is moritoricuse If you desire informtion about this lew a letter addressed to the Bureau of Drug Control, Health Department, Harrisburg,Pennsylvenia would bring ite 3 Ag to the treatment of addietion, a béek entitiea "Opium Addietion~ Ite Handling end Treatment" by Edward Houghton Williems, deseribes & mumber of methods that have been used in thie countrye The so-called Towne-Lambert Treatment has been used a great denle It is described af in the Journal of the American Medical Agsogiation, September oe voGS: 985-9806« A review of the now Naregsan troutment, which I consider eee uselens, will appear in the igeue of © | Med. I find from vy ow studies and reading of the subject ©: physicians have wasted a let of time and ink handetnhed @usnade UF ‘witiae guthaane O08 ten Gkeas ook Gar Ua ie really importent point« that these patients stay on the drug and go back to it again because of their unetable natures It is my experience, and 4 believe the experience of many others, that most addicts cen be galen off of their drug with little trouble end by « mmber of different moanss X am sending with the other pap which ee of on article i reprint | studies on the cavees of relapses Very truly yours, Lawrence Kolb, Surgeons