Bovenber 14,1929 Doctor John HeRemig 805 South 12th Street Philadelphia,Pensylvenias Dear Dector Remig: (Terough the Director ) sci wee ates os anes inion in Philadelphia rooantiy, I am sending you under separate cover about one hundred and sevent gopies of a questionnaire for persone with the drug habite The idea we had was that you would get the data from medical addicts with whom you come in contact and after they were collected, I would add the date I have and we would then write a joint article desling especielly with the question whether heroin as used formerly in medical practice was a dengerous drug in the sense that it cawed addiction ef persona whe were given it for medical purposese My ides has been that the use of herein in medical practice seldom resulted in addiction, although when used in the underworld for dissipation only it doubtless has produced numerous addictse The other data asked for in the questionnaire are incidental but valueble and will help to round out the articles The data on the questionneire are wanted only from eddicta who were addicted by the prescribing of an opiate by e physician for a disease, or from addicts who undoubtedly took an opiate for selfemedication for a disease and.became addicped because of ite en ie who Lome addicted to opie because of the influense of associates for the thrill of it or for other inexcusable reasons Fhe contin ats gens underworld addicts) are at no interest for the purpose of this ecucye fhe data mist be from addiete whe were addi ected de> untien’, reagons bevaen 150) oh TOO bepense hevein cune inte Une te 1008 ond wns lated out of existence in 19246 A eon medical] p addicted in 1926 might be used because there was still a considerable medical | ee one Tey renee Cases later then 1925 had better be ignoreds sa panieiaees-ai: enon Sas ins Sa at: pea hc oi was available so that just conclusions my be made as to the danger — cnpeees on He See oF OS other opis * Very sinoer wely yours ~— Seugh | oe He ee awrenee Kolb, : Respectfully forwardeds | GeWeleCoy , Directare