} a ’ ae ee i 3) 4 eehone APPEL, M. DB. i ats 4 WILLIAM G. TURNBULL, M. D. eo ETA OF HEALTH 5 NAN Gf DEPUTY SGECRETARY OF HEALTH 4 t \ 2 a ens COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HARRISBURG September 14th, 1927, Doctor Lawrence Kolb, United States Public Health Service, Washington, De Ce. Dear Doetor Kolb:- in re Questionnaire for persons with the drug habit. The above matter has been taken up since my re- turn from camp with Doctor Turnbull, Deputy Secretary of Health, and Doctor John H. Remig, Chief of the Inspection Bureaue After a thorough discussion of the matter we have come to the conclusion that a high grade of patients suffer- ing from addiction compsrcated by disease might resent an attempt eer faire. We also feel that a jarge number of physicians might re- sent our Anquiring from the patient directly. en It was, however, suggested that you might make a rather thorough study of the various classes of patients using narcotics at the Philadelphia General Hospital, 34th & Pine Sts., Philadelphia, or at the House of Correction, Holmesburg, and the Philadelphia County Prison, lith & Reed Streets, Philadelphia. Doctor Remig stated that these institutions have on hand at all times a large number of patients suffering ‘from drug addiction in our various classifications. Doctor 4“emig also stated that he would be very glad for you to come to Phila- delphia and visit these institutions with him and he will assist you in every way to gain the information from the various patients there pertaining to the questionnaire. It might be well for you to at least visit these Several institutions with Doctor Remig and gain knowledge of the various classes of patients treated there with reference to any statistical data you may desire. We have approximately between ten and eleven thousand patients registered with this Bureau since its inception To Page #2---- #2 To Doctor L. Ke in 1918. As to the number of living registered addicts under the various classifications on our books now, I would state that we have between eight and nine thousand. The above figures do not take into consideration those reported from State and semi- | State institutions at the end of each year who are treated for & short period at these several institutions. I trust you may see your way clear to visit the in- stitutions above named with Doctor Remig at such time as may be convenient to youe Very truly yours, | mes N. hi _Aaniee, Bur farcotic Drug Control. JNL/NCC |