RANDALL Waukesha, Wiseonsin, Jane 2, 1920. “ame Honorable c1itrora H. Randall, House of Representatives, Washington, De Ce Dear Sir: - wish to invite your attention to the Crago: Bill (AR10846) ana to the amended Wadsworth Bill ($8383). These bilis are almost identical. Both of thon are intented to inerease the pay of the officers in the Army, Nevy, Public Health | Service, Marine Corps an4 Coast Guard Service. © The officers corps of the various | services are threatened with depletion. If order to maintain the high order of . ~ efficiency in thése various services the moderate inoréase provided in these bills should be allowed. This is especially tmue of the Medical Corps, the members of which ean at any time resign their positions and make more neney in private practice. At least this ie whet most of then Saye ‘I am now in charge of the new Public Health Service Hospital at Waukesha, Wisecénsin, which was opened last July for the treatment of Psychoneurosis (Shell Shook). ~The aiffioulty of securing the highly trained mon necessary for this work has beén ~ brought home to me very foreibly. The officers wo now have are all discontented and with one exeeption they have it in their mind to resign unless some inorease in some pensation is allowed. Congress has provkded hospital Aventnant for discharged soldiers, sailors and marines, These’men will not receive the best treatment unless capable Meaical Officers are employed to take care of them, I4 is, therefore, important that the salaries of the officers of the Public Health Service te attractive enough to main« tain the present efficient corps, and offer infueements for other capable men to - enter into it. The same appliés to the tiedical corps of the other services. All — of then should have a like increase in order that none ere placed at a disadvantage dm the efforts to secure capable young physicians. In view of the urgent — it is hoped that you weak give favorable consideration to these bills. | Very truly yours, Lawrence Kelb, Passed Assistant Surgeon