OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE SURGEON GENERAL WASHINGTON February 21, 1938. CONFIDENTIAL Dear Lawrences: Walter Treadway's tour of duty here ends in June, and in keeping with what is the present policy, I think it unwise to make temporary extensions of service for chiefs of divisions after they have completed an eight-year tour. Naturally I think of you as the ablest person we have to take charge of the Mental Hygiene Division. This is a preliminary warning, therefore, that you will be given orders to come to Washing- ton for that purpose. _ Warren Draper is to be in Lex- ington on March 23-24 as a member of an entrance board. I have asked him to talk to you about a number of personnel prob- lems in the Division when he sees you at that time. With best regards, I am Very sincerely yours, a CP ARRAS) re Medical Director Lawrence Kolb, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky.