January 7, 1938 covenen of Kentuciy Frenkfort, Kentu ly dear Governor Chandler: I au in receipt of a letter from Doctor Arthur ormack regarding the assignuent of Doctor Lawrence Kolb to assume certain responsibilities in connection vith your Sahai = mental hygiene program. A copy of ian eCormack's letter erremet : : Assistant Surgeon General Treadway ond I have-dtseussed this matter at some length, We are anxious to give you ali possi- ble assistance, Im our opinion, however, the type of arrangenent guggested by Doctor McCormack will not meet your needs. The first and necessary step in developing your program will be fer you to appoint a competent full-time administrative head for this work. If it de not possible for you at this time to find ea competent person for this position, 7 Public Health Service would be glad, upon your written request, te assign one of its trained officers for a limited period of time to develop a state program for the eare of the mentally sick, Such an assignment would be made only with the understanding that our officer would train someone to replace him when his limited essignment hed terminated, If, therefore, my offer appeals to you, I would wish also to have assurance that et the end of « period of 12 = is aenthe you would appetat, a ne successors: The above: segqeetion does net exclude continued con- evi tatéve. assistance and advice from Doctor Kolb. - oo A Bector Kolb has told me that he expects to see you tomorrow, I am-telephoning to him suggesting that he discuss with you the principles and policies which we think are essential in the development of « reer and pommenans 1 wtate oe of mental hygiene. We feel thet. Kentucky has « great eepertunity among the southern states for leaderehip in this important field, It is for this reason I om anxious to give you any possible help. Very sincerely yours, | TPsAMM CC: Dr.McCormack ‘Surgeon General | - Dr. Kolb ms