i R fe Prt U. &. Public Health Service Hospital, Lezington, Kentucky. January 10, 1958. PERSONAL Surgeon General Thomas farran, Us. S. Public Eealth Service, Washington, De C. Dear Dr. Parran: : im further reference to your personal letter concerning the de- wire of the Governor to have me take charge of the developmental pro- gram for mental hospitals end mentel hygiene in the Siete, the sub- ject discussed in it hardly needs more attmtion from me since it has been acted upon by the Bureau end a solution reached which I heartily approve. I did, however, say that I would write again after inter- Viewing the Governor and I feel that you might be interested in know- ing just whet his attitude is. I talked with him ebout en hour Satur- — day morning. He seemed to be pleased with the arrangement suggested but apparently when I left still had an idea thet I wuld be running things. This, however, need not cause any concerf. " *om. The Governer told me thet after we get a plan worked out here he will call a special session of the legisleture to put it through. He sincerely wants to do sanething of pemanant value to the State and I believe that we have an opportunity to do a constructive bit of work thet will be of lasting credit to the Service. It has already been announced in the newspapers that the Service is going to send an expert here to take charge of the situition. This announcement was made by Commissioner of Correction Frederick A. Yallis, but the Governor told me early in the morning that when the plan of action was finally fomnulated he wented to make an announcement to the papers which he would first submit to me for approvel. If he does this I will attempt to prevent him from over-emphasizing my part in the program. I believe that Wallis got his infomation from Dr. MeCormack, whom I also saw Saturday. With kindest regards, Sincerely, Lawrence Eolb, Medical Director, Medical Officer in Charge.