~~ eg RE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1957 ‘E, SR. l of Honor. Closes e 3,000 iese In Title | Puccini iction “Y WALLACE _ title role of rfly,” Licia Al- at gave one of 1 and appealing rations we have ‘was the focal iction. well in- | and style. jlitan “Opera. sipated. in this ished a quality]; tmosphere, at each act and roughout the performance nese and Di- 5; Who con- ‘oughly vital- ‘nment of the cast, rially © distin- iully, entered the proceed- oe worthily bee vocal: re- discernment. ier voice has 1ysical power, DR. OGDEN ACQUITTED OF| 3 CHARGES, Fir ‘Unit Surge Surgeon. Put ‘On Probation In 4th ‘Narcotic Count Dr. Frank N. ution, Fire De- partment surgeon, yesterday was acquitted of three narcotics charges and placed on probation before verdict in a fourth charge, about which Judge Jo- seph L. Carter declared he dis-| agreed with experts in the nisdi eal profession. * “In a ten-page opinion dispos- ing of the criminal matters. that had been pending since last De- cember, Judge Carter disclosed that Dr. Ogden has voluntarily surrendered: a narcotic stamp he held for nearly 40 years, thereby giving up his right to ever again prescribe dope. Judge Carter acquitted the physician of charges of prescrib- ing dope for two addicts in bad faith.and of keeping inadequate records of drugs administered, dispensed or professionally used |: other than by prescription. . - But he placed: the 61-year-old}. physician . on Probation on a charge of prescribing\ narcoties for a man he had not examined or seen, This prescription. was obtained, testimony revealed, by .an addict who pretended to have an ill friend waiting out- side the doctor’s offices, _ Jurisdiction Discussed with the question of where the jurisdiction of the medical’ pro- fession ends and that of: law- enforcement begins in the han- dling of the narcotics problem. “This. case brought: to light,” he said, “the feeling that is ap- parently prevalent in the medi- cal profession: In the course of his testimony, one of the doc- tors said that he felt as though indirectly the entire medical ‘|profession was on trial.” ~ A number of medical experts sat through the week-long trial and oe that in their judg- e accused may have. used bad judement in prescrib- ing dope for an unseen patient. Judge Carter said he saw no reason for the attitude that the medical profession was on. trial.. “It seems to me we are work- ing in an area that requires the co-operation of the medical pro- fession- and the law entorce- ment agencies,” he said. . “Our laws relating to the dis- pensation of narcotics do not at- tempt to regulate the practice of medicine or to prescribe the Judge Carter dealt at length|' course of treatment that a physi-|| (Continued, Page 23, Column 6) | ‘Teme am | 4, Column 4)} Two Den Is No] Annapolis, April cratic Senator sug Senate floor that last roll calls be § lard Tawes, State as evidence of w with the Democrz The point mac ‘|H.’ Winship Whe: Prince Georges). Democrats in th though in an ove: jority, were no - publican Governc purely political 1 ~ Almost simul: rsame feeling v pressed in the. last night of the: Delegate Jeri (D., Fourth £ clared it was q the Governor cc legislation he \ what he doesn’t Both. legislatoi TICKET-H PROBE Action Being : Parking \ An. investigati! Governor . McKe handling of par by the Traffic C “within the nex Meyer M. Cardi terday... First, he said. out when he is tc new chief mag court and also f — self with court ] Cardin’s nominat ernor ‘was confirr ing hours of the Monday night. Stanley Scher succeeded by Mr. magistrate, was | terday as general Public Service C ‘To Be Ap ' And Governor ast night he wil jistrate Standley alas acting chief tr until Mr. Cardin lice court magisti tered the oath } pointment.. Normally, the the new chief tr would not: be. | early May. But fact that Mr: Sck ‘out, -he*.added, Mr: Cardin ton when he wants “The interest | (Continued, Pag ’ wy *IL 3, 1957 | 40) Con- -asked ghbor- h hour, c- Ellis, enting point, bage, Ellis -presi- al Con- of no mption| trade. work : Man- said g car- ‘ers. lividu- ups—. anical id the actors ssoci- e@ was s ‘ade \fficer |Doctor Acittied Of Three .{and/or juries under instructions of the court must consider the ae \}accepted opinion of the. medical |: Problem Discussed - ja case of medicine versus law jJamong other things, ‘leertain that this is the attitude OGDEN GETS PROBATION Narcotics Charges (Continued from. Page 40) cian should recommend to his patient. “Neither do they pretend: to substitute the judgment’ of ‘an éfiforcement officer for that of a physician; nor do they make the court the arbité of medicine € practice]. evidenced by many eminent character witnesses. “JT do not wish,” he said, interfere with his work . to jeopardize his privilege of practicing his profession.” Judge Carter said the action of Dr.. Ogden in surrendering his. narcotics license will. not prevent the physician from pre- scribing for: patients in such to Jeases where a prohibited nar- Jeotics is a component part of the prescription. The defendant was requited to pay court costs amounting to ($17.25. He was represented by 'G..C. A. Anderson and Edward KA. Smith, attorneys. John .C.. Weiss, the cases. é prosecuted on OF} 2-Day W ByP Marylanc¢ working wi will condue beginning at the Staff: “The lune row will t Noyes, of t) Montgomer on ‘“Curre: the Field quency in The work the . Natio Parole A‘ State Deg Welfare. FI OT Cer aatnseeesnamn ecb tceatireesreertiy “There is no dogmatic rule laid down for the purpose of de® termining what is good or bad] professional practice. The law simply requires the prescription}. i-j}of narcotics in good faith and in 1|the course . of pro ny prac- tice. _ “In determining whether a physician has acted in good faith in’ prescribing narcotics, courts profession together with all of the other evidence presented in| any particular case; and if there is reasonable doubt as to what constitutes good faith, or bad faith, or as to what fair medical] practice would require, the bene- fit of such reasonable doubt must be given to the accused “The narectics problem ‘is not} enforcement, but it is, or at least should: be, that of medicine and law enforcement in co-oper- ation with each other. . “The duty of \.a. physician, calls for the treating and healing of the sick and the relief of suffering, and the physician must -be al- lowed to use his own judgment} to a very great extent. “He is subjected to all sorts of trickery by drug addicts, many of which he is able to de- tect, but it is undoubtedly true that. sometimes a skilled addict can and does fool him. “On the other hand, there is certainly no one. who better knows or ought to have superior knowledge of the sad results of drug . addiction than the physi- cian himself. “Therefore, it seems to me that it should be the desire of the. medical profession—and._ I am absolutely certain that it is. —to co-operate with the law en-) forcement agencies in their effort to wipe out, if possible, all illicit drug traffic. Equally Incumbent Mog “And it is equally incumbent upon those im charge of law en-} forcement to recognize the phy- sician’s frequent - difficult pesi- tion—and while I cannot speak for any other area, I am equally of those in charge of law: en- forcement in Baltimore city.” Judge Carter declared it “does| not make much sense” to argue} that the opinion of the informed | @ physicians should take prece-| @ dence over that of law enforce-| By ment officers, or vice-versa. He said, on the basis of his|’] experience in the Criminal Courts, he has found that strict and severe penalties should be maintained in the law. Such treatment of dope-law offenders has “had a valuable and deter- rent effect,” the Judge asserted. In granting probation before verdict; Judge Carter stated. that he could not ignore “the enviable reputation enjoyed by Dr. Ogden” for many years, as m 36 area p = ESTABLISHED CREDIT ROUTES House. to house hame enoninment. =| Remember, these ari m1 factory-fresh cars mn: our Showroom floor used demonstrators, used exvcutive cars} a0 ye DOOR ayn or. | 4-DOOR SEDAN Complete Pice i Fully Eqninied * Push-Button Buwerllite Auiomatic Transmission . ed Tubeless Tires ' $e Push-Button 8-Tube Radio| * Heater and Defrosters - * Directional Signals ~ * Foam Rubber Szats _.& Beautiful Electric Clock . YOU GET ALL THIS » FINE EQUIPMENT: . * § Custom White-Wall Salely ae _& Dependable Cigarette Lighter * "oe Carpet Floor Mats — *& Safety Rim Wheels :, %* Permanent Anti-Freeze “ % Stone Shields _« WSportone 2-Color Exterior Oil. Filter * Dual Headlamp Styling * Wide Rear View Prism Mirror — *& Glove Box Lock mm * Torsion-Aire Suspension max Protective Porcelainized oe Mirror-Glaze Finish Easy Terms We Electric Windshield Wipers # Large Chrome Wheel Covers _-& Deluxe 2-Tone Interior ~ at en re Pees fies