—SE- 7 ~ ewwwtIlYy. me —Photo by Harold Spicer, News-Post Staff Photographer. € iil- id in wm eTECY the ore ind of 9, - ore he in defense of the reputation of ments have been brought against TESTIFY AT DOPE TRIAL V EWS . Dr. Og den’s Counsel © Calls 38 Witnesses Guttmacher, medical advisor to)! the Supreme Bench; Judge}: A-parade of 28 character wit- | nesses ‘went to the stand today Dr, Frank N. Ogden, former Fire Department surgeon, as his nar- cotics trial-neared its end in Criminal Court. Only final arguments remain in the case, and these will be heard Tuesday at 7 P. M. by . Judge Joseph L. Carter. Most of the witnesses today were doctors, and all agreed that Dr. Ogden, who ministered tg, the Fire Department: for 3 years, holds a high place in the medical profession, HE,!IS ACCUSED of issuing narcotics in violation of the law and in bad faith. Five indict-, the sixty-one-year-old physician. AMONG’ HIS character wit- nesses’ were Dr. Manfred 8. Hovey ,s Thomas J. S. Waxter, head of th State Welfare Department; the): Rev. Don Frank Fenn; Dr. My-|: ron S. Aisenberg; and William Hilgenberg, president of the Fire} 9 Board... cememmenerr teen Te | A-long and technical defense of Dr. Ogden’s actions in al- legedly prescribing dolophine and morphine for dope addicts was provided by Dr. Laurence » Kolb, a national authority on MAPCOtiCS, nn A group of 12 Baltimore -phy- sicians highlighted yesterday’s session in testifying to their be-| lief that Dr. Ogden had acted in good faith in-selling narcotics to addicts, though some said he showed “bad judgment” in some instances. PollutionFoes '