Base. Stan: Mey. 23 tof « _PAGE 32 ‘Medical Panel “Teking Stand For Ogden * A panel ‘of medical experts, in- Siding one who has frequently enounced public “hysteria” about narcotics, prepared today to. testify in the defense of Dr. Frank N. Ogden, 61-year-old Bal- timore_ physican © charged with prescribing drugs “in bad faith.” “Dr. Ogden has admitted pre- scribing. drugs for known drug addicts, but says he did it “to ' Ywaintain them and keep them from becoming community prob- ~The State has produced. evi- dence to show that the former Bire Department surgeon and idely known general practitioner provided a continuing supply of . Forphine and dolophine, a syn- thetic oe to men with a ey a é . Dr. Kolb Testifying. - Among the experts on hand to testify in Dr. Ogden’s defense is. i. Laurence -Kolb, formerly of: he United States Public Health Service, who has long argued that harcotics addicts must be treated S sick patients: TeRbEE than as} riminals. ' =In a national magazine article te has contended that the dope itoblem has been oversensational- ed an dthat the “hysteria” about | - # has resulted in much ill-con- cel le sation. r. Ogden, who took the: wit- hess stand it his own defense Wednesday, was expected to re- turn today for the completion of See eeinaliee by John C. eiss, assistant State’s attorney. we “While the defense is expected _ €6° bear heavily on the philosophy |* oF treating narcotics victims, Mr.}: Weiss centered much of his ques- foning on Dr. Ogden’s records. . One of the charges against Dr. ‘Ogden is failure to keep proper records of narcotics. es ee