Loindeswith . | | INDIANA UNIVERSITY : : Box 70 . BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY 31 Jan. 1961 Dre Lawrence Kolb 6645 32nd Street, N. W. Washington D. C. Dear Dr, Kolb: I suppose that you know of the work of the Joint Committee of the ABA & AMA on Narcotic Drugs and of the attack on this by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Since the committee's work, especially the interim report which contains the statement by Ploscowe and another by King, was never really made available tothe public I ' approached the Indiana University Press about it and they have agreed to publish the interim and finalreports with a brief introduction by mee If you are willing to and feel that it is worth it I would appreciate anything that you would do to give this book a boost. I hope that it will get at least as much circulation as Anslinger's attack on it has already had. In connection with the above there is a possibility that I may Write an article for Harpers on the Federal Narcotics Bureau stressing the activities which it engages in with respect to policy discussion and other matters not connected with law enforcement. JI probably have enough material on hand myself for the article but I have written to a couple other people who have also had their troubles with Anslinger. One of these, Dr. Karl Bowman, suggested to methat you might know something about the LaGuardia report on marihuana and the treatment it received. If you have information on this which you would not.object..to my using I'd appreciate it. Alse;-tf-you" Have other information from your own experience pertaining to the Bureau's propaganda ~ activity, suppression of information, Haxrassment of individual heretics, and so on I'd appreciate it also. If you would care to | make a statement which I might quote I'd be pleased with that. Also, if you like, I will be happy to send you anything I write about. a these matters for your o. ke. prior to publications. 7 I suppose that you probably know that the Russell Sage Foundation supported the Joint Committee financially but declined to publish the interim report except in limited numbers for the use of the committee and the Houses of Delegates oft he two associations. I have not been able to discover the reasons for this. . Appropos of the possible Harpers article it appears to me that you could yourself write such an article from your own experience. JI wish very much that you would do so. If not I think you should at least write down a record of some of your experiences along these lines and either publish it or make some copies of it sothat the information would not be loste Busine Fh ob sincerely, patel i oy ES & f Coticanerst pe Deg : Of 9 ? ad R. Linde smith bitte Katine ent, ten pH é ats Mfruke y Aton dhepait Be ve Nerrtten oof ( Atrp oe rteate Prtowe Uo beg.