Miss Winifred C+ Putnam Ageistant Director The Netional Information harenn, Ince 215 Fourth Avenue My doar Miss Putnam: Referring to your letter of resent date inquiring of the attitude of government authorities towards Captain Hobson's World Conference on Narcotic Edueetion, you are advised that go far ag 1 heve been able to determine the executive departments having to de with narcotic education or with the Philadelphia exposition look upon his conference with contempt | | and are resentful begause of the methods he has used to spread the impression that these departments support his movenente There is also resentment | peeause of the persistent and unscrupulous efforts he has made to bring about the endorsement of his general program by government agencies that — he has been told oan never honestly endorse ite I have considerable oon» por pee information about the foregoing thet I am not at liberty te sclosee The conference is the third effort thet Captain Hobson has made to enlist the support of the governmente I om sending you e copy ofa circular, together with prepesed resolution, that was sent out in i dune,1925 not enly to superintendents of education but te hundreds of physicians end others» The cireular was accompanied by coples of the article: “The Peril of Nercoties", which article was printed as an extension of remarks in the Congressional Record efter the comaltties te which it had been referred for consideration refused te endorse ite You will mounts that the inclosed resolution calls for a world confere : vor This applics also to another draft of the resolutio ted to the Head of one of the Departments last fail, but witheut vseulha eer? to Captain Hobsone The resolution that the House of Representative ot and pagsed simly called for appropriate bici pat on | United States Rg the Philedelphie conferences her "wo “ROT ““appropr! e Was montionede ‘The resolution was referred ro the otihas comittes thus avoiding Mr+Porter, Chairmen of the Foreign Relations Committee, who has represented the United States abroad on epium committees and who pee | knows © great deal about the subject. Ss / / \ ff + fet ; Some of Captatn Hobson's friends testified at the Hearings. ie one in the government service was asked to appear, so far as I have been able to determine, and I believe that none of the government departments knew that the resolution had been introduced until it was passede I have been advised that MrePorter was absent when the resolution came up and that but for this he would have opposed ite He, no doubt, knows that the League of Nakions opposed narcotic education by propaganda and he probably alse knows that Captain Hobson tried to enlist the support of the opium committee of the League but without successes in the Hearings it was made to appear, by the adroit insertion of one half of a sentence from the agreement of the first opium conference, that the nations represented at Geneva favored narcotic educations It was not stated, however, that the education mentioned referred to education ageinst smoking opium in the Eastern provinces ‘of the eight nations represented at the first conference, nor wasthepositive stand taken against narcotic education by the body representing all of the nations referred to at alle In the face of a rebuff by the State Department, Captain Hobson sent out a cirouler letter to ambassadors and ministers inviting then to send representatives to the conference, and intinating the United States was behind hime The resolution that passed the House has been referred to ‘the — Foreign Relations Committee of the Senates There are on this committee several senaters who have become familiar with Captain Hebson's organizations The committee has mde inquiries abowt the resolution ond I widerstend ea is is decidedly hostiles | _ fhe feeling of all of the government departments concerned, and 1 ‘pelleve also of the Senate combtbees is that the Philadelphia conferenve is & gesture of propaganda for the purpose of advertising the International Nercotie Edyeation Associations I think, however, it may gafely be said that no government serviee will participate in ite bub at the same time the advertising campaign carried on by Captain Hobson, in which he claims or infers thet practically all authorities and agencies are enthusiastically behind him, will doubtless bring together a good erowd of people most of whom know practically nothing about narcotic ett.» eduentione- I will be pleased to here this letter regarded as confidentials Sincerely yours, —_—— Lawrence Kolb, LK=mgl Surgeons