LAMBERN December 29,1924. Doctor Alexander Lambert 43 2% 72a Street New York, Nels My dear Doctor Lambert: I wish to thank ym for your letter and the copy of the comment on Mr.Hobson’s activities which you inclosed. There is quite a history connected with Mr.Hobson's acti viti es in the narcotic movement that I think you may be interested in. I have been studying them for about ea year and am quite sure that Mr.Hobson is neither honest nor sincere. Last spring he presented a twenty-seven page pamphlet to Congress with the suggestion that fifty million covies be published and distributed to practically everyone in the United States. His idea was that it should be on every breakfast table, in every school and home and that people «..~ -in societies in general should be preaching sbout it all of the time. It was the most nonsensical article I ever reath,,. in so faras the relation of its claims to actual facts was — _ goncerned. I appeared before the Senate Committee on Printing in opposition to it. The testimony I gave impressed the committee and completely upset Mr.Hobson's plans but he aid mt give up. During the summer he started a campaign agairmt me and by various insidious, underhand methods tried to undermine and diseredit me with government officials. His efforts failed. These officials all turned him down but in the face of that he has nerve enough to get out a circular letter in which he states that the Public Health Service and the narcotic division of the Burean of Internal Revenue are assisting him and he implies, without actually stating, that these bureaus are anxious to have his program put through Congress at this session. Mr.Hobson goes from one person to the other or from one bureau to the other | and claims to each one that the other has endorsed him when aS a matter of fact he has been definitely told that they Doctor Alexander Lambert-2 If disapprove of his activities. His effort to lead the Public Health Service and the marcotic division to believe that you stood back of the statement that two thou sand addicts could be created with one ounce of heroin is an example of what he does right along. The reason Mr.Hogson sitéeks so tenaciously to this statemat is, I think, because such statemmts have ‘to be mt out to the "public if he is ever successful in raising the million dollar endowment fund he has declared — to be one of the objectives of the association. The same — metive is behind the statemnt he maie in New York a year or so ago~ that there were 17,000 heroin addicts among the school children of one-borough. He pulls these addicts out of the sir. There is no basis for any of the statements he makes. His educational campaign in California was conducted along these lines and practically every statement he has made has been proved to be erroneous or an actual distortion of statema@ints mde by various officials or others whom he interviewed. ~ If itr, Hob son" s idea of the mrcotic situation were in any way correét it would still be doubtful whether his program of publicity would be advisable. He wants to teach children to be suspicious of each other and of everybody; not to accept food while away from home from strangers or from their best friends because these friemis are probably in the enploy of peddlers trying to “hook" them into addiction. Also, to look out for suspicious characters and report them to the police. If this is not pernicious mental hygiene, | then there is not such thing. Mr.Hobson has been told that education of this kind wmld be positively harmful but he persists in it, I think, because of its alarmist note ani because of the possibilities for misng money in such bo statements as this at any responsible agency should inferse, — the m. If you should care to see Mr.Hobson's twenty-seven page pamphlet and the five page letter he got out attacking me I will make copies of them for you. Very traly yours, | | | Lawrence Zolb, LK~T Surgeon, USPHS.